Chapter 35

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Seth POV:

I wake up earlier than Dean and stare at him for a few moments, thinking about what he has made me done. I didn't get any good sleep last night because I was suffering from guilty. I feel tensed when everything comes into my mind again, so I elect to make breakfast, preventing me from thinking much.

I run my fingers through my hair before setting out to do what I've planned originally, starting to get together everything that I need to make breakfast. Usually, I'm not a cooking guy because I don't have the demand for that. But now I wish to try something new.

After a few moments of preparation, I figure I might actually be able to make something edible. I crack an egg into a pan and put it onto the hob to fry while my thoughts drift back to the man who is currently asleep upstairs.

I take a small bottle of water from the refrigerator and swill out my mouth, spitting the water into the sink. I lean against the counter and take a sip of water, staring at the floor.

Turning my attention back to the cooking, I remove the fried egg from the pan and place it on a white plate that I have found in the cupboard.

I have to admit; it isn't exactly a superb cook, but so far I'm doing a pretty good job. In my childhood, I'd helped my mom baked cookies on weekends and during my free time, but my 'help' mainly consisted of licking the bowl and being the taste tester once we had done, so I wasn't precisely skilled. Despite my lack of experience, I'm determined to do my best.

I place the strips of bacon onto a tray before setting it into the oven, messing with the dials a little until I figure out how to work the damn thing. I had a microwave at home, but I never used that damn thing before, so I just tried to have known how to if the opportunity ever arose.

The thoughts of my previous life are painful to process, even though it has only been two days that I have missed my entire family dearly. I wished to stay with my grandpa lifelong, but I lost it now. I miss him so much.

I move to sit on the floor, feeling my legs go weak from the overwhelming urge to cry. My family. My grandpa. I'd left everyone behind for wanting to spend the rest of my life with Dean. I feel overwhelmed that I don't even get the opportunity to muffle the sob that leaves my mouth.

I sit here in place, curling up into a small ball, head resting on my knees as I cry. I want everything will be all right. The sound of the fire alarm breaks my thoughts; I look up and alarm at the sudden smell of burning. How had I not noticed that before?

I hurriedly get up, wiping at my eyes before putting on the glove to remove the tray of bacon from the oven. The bacon is blackened and ridiculously crispy that I won't even feed it to my dog.

Dean POV:

The ringing of the fire alarm causing me to wake up with a start, arms flailing around for a few moments before I'm pulled back into reality.

I groan once I realize the sound of the alarm isn't just a part of my dream. I make my way to the stairs as quickly as I can to turn it off. I stretch upward, pressing my finger against the button before heading down the stairs.

Typically, I've been alarmed if I wake up to the fire alarm ringing, but the smell of burning food coming from the kitchen assures me that Seth has probably just burned the thing he is trying to cook.

Heading into the kitchen, I can help but let out a small laugh at the sight of what is once, as far as I can tell, bacon. I'm not entirely sure how someone can be this bad at cooking, but he is surprised me; being this bad is certainly a talent.

The small laugh that I let out alerts him to my presence, the tray of bacon slipping from his fingers and landing on the floor with a loud clanging sound as he spins round to look at me. His puffy eyes are alerting me to the fact that he has been crying.

"I- I... I'm s-sorry." He runs over to me and throws himself at me.

I'm shaking at the words escaping from his mouth. I feel bad for him, so I try to convince him. "It's all right." From what I have learned from life, I have to give him all his wishes. Because he has left everything for me. All those feelings, emotions, and desires surely can't mean anything else.

We pull away from each other when I hear my phone ringing from upstairs. I try to ignore it, but the thought that it might be something urgent nags aside at me. I excuse myself and run upstairs to get my phone from the bedside table, seeing that it's Roman calling me.

I smile and swipe the screen to answer the call. "Hey Ro, what's up?" I try to talk carefully without letting the man on the other end know what is going on here.

"Just a friendly reminder that you have promised me to visit my house now. If you don't be here in 20 minutes, I'm sure I will hang out with my girlfriend instead of helping you." He gets his words out quickly and hangs up the phone without expecting my response.

To discuss a job, I need to see him because it is necessary. I disappear into the bathroom and take a quick shower, getting dressed before returning to the living room and informing Seth about meeting my friend.

As I make my way to the door, he addresses that he wants to do some shopping to forget about his worries, but he has left his credit card in his house. Without thinking, I pull my card out of my jacket and hand it to him before leaving the house.

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