Chapter 61

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Dean POV:

Frigid but clear morning air! The chilly breeze makes my heart so warm by the day. After paying for my groceries, I walk over to the car and load the bags into the trunk. It takes me a while. I'd bought more stuff than I thought I did. With an exhausted sigh, I get into the car and start to wonder what Seth will be doing at home now.

Maybe he will do that ridiculous dancing, wanting to get himself hyped-up that I want to film and cherish forever. Or that time, I'll be rocking out at the door and singing under my breath to the songs until I get caught by him just watching me with a slight smile on his face.

All my wonders go out of the air as I find him lying on the couch with heavy thoughts in his mind when I'm returning. "Hey." I put the bags on the coffee table and shove his legs away, taking a seat beside him.

He snaps out of his thoughts and starts to rambling about some dumb shit movie he's been watched before I'm leaving. Even if I'm giving him an annoyed look, he is still craving to tell me all about that movie with a talking fish. It makes me feel that I have got a few chair shots to the head.

"Please, shall we discuss some other thing?" I ask out of nowhere.

It seems to bother him for some reason because he's finally stopped talking. He scrutinizes me for a minute before getting up from the couch and placing his hands on his hips. "I hate you." As he's about to leave, I grab his wrist and pull him into my lap.

"But I love you." I press a kiss on his cheek and reach my hand out to pull a pizza box out of a bag. I don't bother with plates, just setting them down on the coffee table and helping myself to a slice, and gesture to him to do the same.

"So.." I take a large bite and chew thoughtfully. "What's going on in your family?"

His bites are more fastidious, small nibbles with one hand under his chin to catch crumbs. "As usual. Grandpa and dad would take care of the company while mom partying with her friends." He gives me a wary glance. "Hmm... Did you find out the reason behind your dad wandering around here?"

I still don't figure it out, so I flash him a wide dimpled grin, trying to convince him. "Are you kidding, baby? How could I know if I was not talking to him after our last meeting?" I wave my pizza around animatedly and then pause. "Maybe he would prefer to visit us and then changed his decision." I stick my tongue out, thinking about it.

"It has a chance." He chews on his lip, trying to believe it.

"Yeah." I reach out slowly, patiently, giving him time to consider it. I thumb at some sauce on his cheek and offer it to him. Maintaining eye contact, his tongues let out and suck at my thumb with tiny kitten licks. The moment is going pleasantly without any tension between us.

Seth POV:

The sky has a unique charm tonight, and it's so blue and calm. I kinda feel disappointed as we stand at the street in midway, staring at each other. Even if we wandered around the streets for more than an hour, I couldn't get enough of holding hands with Dean. With a frustrated sigh, I let go of his hand and provide a small smile. It's getting time for him to visit the bar and make money, so he can't stay with me tonight.

He cups my face with his hands to give me a quick kiss on the lips before he breaks out into a jog as he crosses the street. I then shove my hands into the pockets of my jeans and walk through the streets.

We hadn't wandered around by car, and he didn't need it as well because his friend would be there anyway, so I didn't need to worry about him. Luckily, our house isn't very far away, and I have only another ten minutes to walk.

I gaze up at the sky for a few moments, admiring the stars. I love quiet nights like this, where all I can hear is the breeze blowing gently past my ears. It is calming, peaceful, and actually makes part of me glad to be on my own. Privacy on nights like this is something that I have always appreciated.

A frown is quick to grow on my face when my head tilts back, and my eyes fall back onto the path in front of me. Two tall men are blocking the sidewalk with hoods that have been thrown over their heads. I can make out their eyes aren't looking directly at me, but rather, just past my shoulders.

Silently, thankful for how observant I can be, I spin my leg around, hitting the man I have predicted to be there right in the stomach. When he bends over, I rise my right elbow and land it right in between the man's shoulders, only just being able to turn around and block an incoming punch from one of the two other men who has been blocking my way.

My right leg swing around the man who has thrown the punch and kicked me behind the knees, making me gasp in pain and landing on them. But my defending doesn't last any longer than that before the third man grabs onto my arms from behind, and that is when I first feel the strength that these men have possessed.

I try not to panic and kick out when the smallest of the three, the one that I have kicked in the stomach, pull himself off the floor grunting and make his way over to me, but the kicks are futile as soon as a punch to my jaw leave me feeling dazed. I spit out the blood in my mouth and lock eyes with the man, narrowing them when their gaze meets.

I don't look away when one of my arms is grabbed by another. "What the fuck do you want?" I question, managing to keep my voice collected and bold even though I guess my heart goes to beat right out of my chest.

There is no reply other than getting a blow to the stomach, which forces me to lose my breath. My chin is then grabbed in one hand by the short man as I've urged to look into his eyes.

"What you have to give it to me?" He spits, his breath an awful smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke. "Other than your soul!" With that, a knee digs roughly into my stomach. Several hits later, I'm on the ground, and the guy is crouching down by me and pulling my hair furiously, dragging me to hit my head on a nearby wall.

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