Chapter 48

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Seth POV:

I wake up rapidly than I have ever imagined because it's everyone's favorite day. Christmas! It is forever, not for just one day, for loving, sharing, giving, are not to be put away like bells and lights and tinsel, in some box upon a shelf. The good we do for others is great that we do ourselves. "Merry Christmas," I purr in Dean's ear.

The sleeping blond is awake with a smile on his face. "Merry Christmas, baby." He grumbles, still groggy. "Why so jumpy?" He groans.

I place a kiss on his lips, then bound out of bed. I'm far too energetic for the still exhausted man. "Cause it's Christmas, silly. Now, come on. I have more traditions to share with you," I say and pull at his arm.

He glances at the nightstand clock and realizes just how late he has slept in; it's nearly noon. He allows me to drag him out of bed and into the living room, where presents are waiting to be opened. Once we are opened and properly loved and thanked for, I make my way to the kitchen.

"So, what tradition is next? Can I finally have my coffee, now?" He asks and takes a seat at the counter, watching my work.

I pull out something that he doesn't even know we have, which is cinnamon rolls. "This is always what my family has for breakfast on Christmas. It's a good thing to keep up filled until Christmas dinner, which has always eaten early. While those are baking, we have to call and text loved one's Merry Christmas," I say as I work carefully.

Once the cinnamon rolls are securely in the oven, I sit next to Dean and pull my phone out. I bite my lip nervously as I play with the phone because I don't know whether to call my family or not. I glance up at him when he places his hand on my thigh and nods at me.

Talking with grandpa now is a risk, so I elect to call my mom instead. I dial her number and wait for her response until she picks up the phone and answers excitedly, wishing us Merry Christmas. I talk to her a bit and enjoy the moment until grandpa interrupts and grabs her phone, throwing it on the floor mercilessly. I could guess the phone would break like my heart now.

Suddenly I feel chronically numb. I'm sure my grandpa will worry much than me because I've broken his trust and shattered his heart. Thinking about it makes me sick, so I jump down from the counter without saying anything and run to my room.

I sit on the edge of the bed, palms on my knees and staring at the floor. My grandpa's harsh words continue to verse through my head like an annoying song that I can't get rid of. It eats me away, my heart feeling heavier and heavier, tears forming in my baby browns. Does it ever hurt in ways that I've never experienced before? Why does everything sting so badly suddenly?

I gasp and clutch at my chest when my heart begins vibrating in my ears. A muffled voice startles me back to reality. Only, the sound shouldn't have been muffled, because Dean is speaking clearly. He's standing at the doorway and wrapping his arms over his chest, "You okay, baby? Lose your hearing?"

I'm about to argue but can only respond with a slight choke, beginning to shake and gasping hard.

"Seth?!" He mutters, attempting to walk the rest of the way over. When I fall from the bed, he dives and catches me in his arms, "Woah! Seth! Baby, look at me!"

I can't do it, my body fiercely trembling while tears streak down my face. Quickly, Dean readjusts so that he has me sitting upright in his lap. "Baby, listen to me, breathe, okay? Just breath.." He instructs. He keeps my back flush to his chest. "Breath, okay? Breath with me, you can do it, okay? I have you, baby. I'm right here with you."

Dean POV:

As I try to calm down Seth, the only response from him is clutching onto my arm. I channel every spark in my soul to keep myself together for him. I know so much about how these attacks operate, but I have never been on the other end of it, and it's terrifying.

Even more, so that Seth, who is my anchor, my love, my brick wall, my everything, is suffering. "Baby, listen to me," I say again, my lips next to his ears. "I'm right here. You're okay; we're okay. Just breathe, you need to breathe with me, okay? Just relax. Everything is okay, baby. I love you."

Although his shaking is starting to subside, I'm getting tensed to my core. It isn't right, this isn't supposed to happen to him. He's too strong for this shit; this kind of thing will happen only to people who have baggage that consumes them and nightmares that practically paralyze them. Not Seth. Something had happened when he chatted with his mom.

I can feel his grip softening slightly, and he sniffles hard. "That's it, baby," I encourage as I sense him calming, "We got this."

Finally, he finds his words again and squeaks out, "G-Grandpa is anger at me." Inhaling his first clear breath, he whimpers, "I-I broke his trust!"

I cup his cheeks and wipe his tears away, pressing a kiss on his forehead. "Hey, everything will be all right." I pull him against me and soothe his back, trying to handle the situation. I don't know what to say, so I tap my foot on the floor worriedly and try to ease the tension a bit.

We pull away from each other when my phone goes off. Thank God! I'm sure whoever is calling me will entertain us a little and help us forget the difficulties. "Oh, it's Ro." I take my phone out and answer face-time. "Merry Christmas!" I exclaim as the video feed goes up.

"Hey there, guys. Merry Christmas!" He yells with a grin on his face. Seth and I laugh, returning good wishes. "Hey, you guys have dinner plans?" He asks, raising an eyebrow at us.

Seth shrugs, "We'll probably just go out or something, just the two of us."

I fight a frown because I should have fought him harder about where to spend Christmas. I knew he would like to be with his parents now, but he had no way of visiting them, so he decided to spend our first Christmas alone in this house. I won't let him all moody today, however, as he protests.

"If you wish, you will be more than welcome to join us for dinner. Ronda is actually asking if you all will be coming up. I guess she wants to spend some time with you guys." Roman suggests his ideas about spending the time in his house.

Without giving Seth a chance to reply, I interrupt and wave a hand at him. "It's good to hear this. We will meet you then at dinner." I hang up the phone quickly and look at my baby, who's glaring at me. It is gonna be a long day!

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