Chapter 75

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Dean POV:

Two hours later, I make my way back to Shane's office, and I'm a little anxious about how he and Seth are getting along. I hope my baby has managed to keep his obnoxious behavior at bay. When I reach the door, I can hear Seth's giggle and then the owner's deep laughter following behind. I feel a wave of relief and open the door slowly.

"Hey, Dean!" Seth greets me cheerfully. "I'm thrilled about arriving here. Even if God had closed the door of one relation, he would have opened the door of another relation." His eyes lit up with happiness as he peers at the owner before turning to look at me. "Yeah! Do you know who's Uncle Shane?"

"Uncle?!" I exclaim, looking at Shane. "What's going on here?"

"Well, he's Shane McMahon, the only brother of my mom." My baby giggles, jumping up and down in excitement. He then explains what has happened after my disappearance. It surprises me overall because I haven't expected any of this. Maybe we can solve this puzzle now.

We chat about our current situations and figure out what to do next. Involving in this heavy topic, I forget about the signing of the property. When I realize it, I turn toward Shane and talk about the property. I get surprised when he suggests gifting this property to me without any money involving.

Even if I have a substantial offer, I will ignore it. I want this property, but not for free. So I assure Shane and prefer a fixed date for the signing before ending the conversation as great as usual.

"Well, I guess we have to go now." I wrap my arm around Seth and pull him against me before paying attention to the old man. "It's really outstanding knowing that we're the pages of the same book, Shane."

The old man shrugs and gives me a firm handshake. "Same here, Dean." He releases my hand and looks at me. "Please take care of my nephew and don't fuck it up. I'll try to bring a solution to the problem with my dad."

"That's right, Dean, don't fuck it up. Uncle Shane would be with us from now on." Seth repeats with a cheeky grin.

I tousle his hair playfully. "I won't."

With that, we wave a hand at him and hold our hands together before leaving the bar. "Uncle and nephew seemed to have really hit off," I comment as I walk with my arm around Seth's waist into the parking lot.

He's already sucking on a candy. "Yup. He's really cool. Mom was right. He's living happily by choosing his path. I like him." His eyes are narrow at me as he has something on his mind previously to share with me. "Plus, he gave me the name of a guy who would make Italian suits."

I sigh loudly, and he giggles. When we reach our car, he presses his lips against mine and steps into the driver's seat. "I'll drive tonight." If he has the mood to drive the car, he will do it.

I nod and get into the passenger seat, waving at him. I sit here simply for a few minutes until we reach the highway, then dip my hand into the pocket and pull out a pack of gum. Suddenly, I feel like my teeth are jittering in their sockets.

I tear the top of the packet off and shove about four sticks into my mouth. Just sitting here quietly boring me, so I turn and smirk at the younger man a little. "You're a fucking charmer, baby." It sounds like a compliment and makes my insides squirm pleasantly.

"Yeah, I am." He smiles at me and forces his attention back to the road.

I take a napkin and spit a bit of foil into it like bastardized chewing tobacco. "Something gets into my mind by doing this." I glance at him and wink a little.

He wrinkles his nose and gives me a disgusted look. "You're.. the worst," He says but doesn't actually sound upset. He sounds resigned, kind of, but mostly he just sounds fond. "You're just the worst."

"Don't you forget it," I say and wait a moment, bracing to declare my view... "Hey, what will you do if I stick this stupid gum in your pretty hair? Will you get mad, baby?"

"I'll be pretty mad, yeah." He says, shooting me a narrow-eyed look.

"But you have to cut that part of your hair off." I offer, smirking at him. "So I'll be doing you a favor."

"Absolutely not," He says and shifts closer to his door like that will get him far away enough to discourage me.

"Hey, it'll be good," I'm chewing slowly, carefully, thoughtfully. I reach into my mouth with just the tips of my fingers, and the car actually swerves as though he thinks maybe he can drive away from me even though we're both still in the car.

"I will crash," He warns me. "I will kill both of us. Don't think I won't."

"You're no fun," I report but drop my hand back into my lap.

"Yeah, that's me." He says, relaxing. He keeps one hand hovering slightly between us, which is smart since I spit the gum into my hand and dart it toward him fast enough that if he has no hand there, it will have gone straight into his hair.

Instead, he somehow grabs the gum and throws it out the window, all without taking his eyes off the road. "You're disgusting," He says, making a face. "Now my hand's got your spit all over it."

"Can't believe that you're calling me disgusting when you're the one with my spit all over your hand," I reply and get another stick of gum out, taking the more traditional route of unwrapping it before chewing it.

Time swirls on fantastic without any boring, and we reach home finally. I sigh loudly and wait for a second, then spit the new chewing gum into my hand and go for his hair again. In all the commotion, I end up with my gum stick in my ear and lockout the house the entire night.

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