Chapter 47

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Dean POV:

Finally, we're getting into the most fabulous time of the year, but exceptionally, it is a significant time of the year for Seth and me. It is our first Christmas together, and after having moved in together recently and decorating the house, it is safe to say we are in the full sway of the Christmas spirit.

Wanting to add further beauty to this, I invade a shop with the idea of buying a ring for him. But I have no idea how to select the ring, so I walk over to the saleslady and explain my situation, but she insists that she's only known to pick the ring for a girl.

I don't argue with her and let her select as usual because sometimes, dating him is no different from dating a woman. He has taken forever to get ready, checked his hair on every reflective surface as we passed, got jealous far too smoothly, and admired his look in all his outfits.

After selecting a perfect ring for him, I can't help the smirk that has crossed my face as I write on the gift tag. I'm such a wonderful boyfriend. Giving her a two-finger mock salute, I slip the gift in my jacket and leave the shop.

When I arrive at my house, I find him cozy up on the couch. The Christmas lights both on the tree and around the room illuminating the darkroom that the man sits in. Waving a hand at him, I walk over to the tree and place the gift on it when he doesn't recognize me.

Slowly I invade the kitchen and whip up some hot chocolate and oven-made smores while he's watching the Christmas movie that has taken up the television. "All right, here you go," I say as I walk in and offer the plate in my hand, two mugs clutching in the other hand as I step carefully. I set the mugs down and release the breath that I've been holding in an attempt to steady myself.

He sits up and smiles, happily taking the hot chocolate and sipping it as I take a seat beside him, "Thanks, Dean." We are silent as we sip our cocoa and eat our smores.

Once he finishes his late-night snack, he gets up and grabs a gift from the pile of presents under the tree. He sits back down and places it on my lap. "Open it," He prompts.

I look at the gift and then up at him. "You know Christmas is tomorrow, right? Actually, it's in like two hours." I say, my eyebrow raised.

He laughs, "I know. It's a tradition my family has that we open a present on Christmas eve, so I figure we can continue that tradition."

I smile, "I would love to make your tradition ours." My heart skips a beat when he grins. I set the gift on the coffee table and then get up, heading toward the tree and looking at the present that I've pondered a little earlier. "Ah!" I exclaim, grabbing the gift and handing it to him.

"Okay, you first," He says, giggling a little.

I nod and bite my lip between my teeth; my lips curl in an excited, childish smile. I rip open the package and pull out a plain box. I open it and smile as I pull out a mug. I'm the type of guy who has a routine of waking up and polishing off a cup of coffee to take on the day, so it'll be helpful for me. The mug had a cheesy picture of him and me that he had taken one night when we were lying in bed.

"It's so corny; I love it. It's so us," I say as I admire the picture printed on the ceramic mug.

He's grinning from ear to ear. "I'm glad you like it. I wanted to give it to you tonight so that you could use it tomorrow morning."

"It's perfect, definitely my new favorite mug," I mutter, all smiles. I lean over and peck the younger man on the lips. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," He says and pecks my lips in return. He then turns to the gift in his lap, "Okay, my turn." With a giggle, he unwraps his present and reveals a black velvet box. When he opens it, he gasps. Inside, nestled in white satin, is a platinum ring. "Dean?" His voice is quivering.

"I want to let you know how much you mean to me

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"I want to let you know how much you mean to me. When you hold me, my emotions make it clear that you're the only one for me. Every night, I listen to your heartbeat in rhythm with my own after you've slept, with every pound that warming sound keeps yelling my name with love. As the body needs air to survive, as the plants need the sunshine to make food, as the fish need water to breathe, I need you to live this life. So do you be my baby forever?" I ask, taking the ring from his hand and stroking it gently.

"Yeah," He nods and throws himself over at me, holding me tightly.

I pull away from him and take his hand, sliding the ring into his finger, but stop when he shakes his head and glances up at me. I don't know why he has interrupted me. Does he not want to commit to me?

My thoughts are interrupted when he bites his lip nervously and gets up from the couch, running to our room. While letting me in painful thoughts again, he returns to me after a few minutes and sits in his previous position. He hands me a leather band and glances up at me. "You know I'm not the type of guy who wears a ring, but I want this present to be close to me every day. So why don't you wrap it around my neck?"

"Yeah." I huff and shake my head, feeling relieved all over again. With a chuckle, I slide the ring into the leather band and pull him against me, tying it around his neck. "Now we're official!" I press a kiss on his neck and hold him tighter against me, wanting to last long for the moment.

He pulls away from me and raises his hand, scratching the back of his neck and feeling the leather band on which has to bead the ring. "Actually.." He begins, smiling at me. "It's nice!"

We stare at each other for about ten minutes before breaking out into a laugh. "It's our first Christmas. I want pictures," He says, taking his phone out. He then rests his head on my shoulder, his face turning up to look at me with love in his eyes. A smile is on my face, and my eyes are alit with joy as he snaps a few photos of us.

"Dean, I love it. And I love that picture of us," He notes. He stands and walks over to the tree, looking over for other gifts. Something gets in his suddenly, so he pats the tree slightly and bounds back over to the couch, sitting down in my lap. He kisses me tenderly and hums, "Let's go to bed."

I hum in return, "Yes, let's." I scoop up him in my arms and stand while holding onto him. I carry him bridal style into our bedroom and plop him down on the bed and then get comfy myself. He scoots close and snuggles into my embrace, and quickly, we drift off to sleep.

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