Chapter 68

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Dean POV:

Hoping nothing dreadful will happen, I nod at Seth and encourage him to come over. He takes my silent cue and enters the room, hovering on the right side of the bed opposite where I'm standing.

My dad raises an eyebrow at him and keeps his attitude still. "Oh, you're also here."

Seth tips the bottle at him and gives him a small smile. "Yeah. Why don't I? Whether you accept it or not, old man, I'm your son-in-law, anyway. So don't try to pretend that you hate me." He says, eyeing him suspiciously. "If I saw those guys attacked you, I was sure that I would break everyone's bones and let them stayed in a hospital bed instead of you. Hmm... You're unlucky!"

"Y-Yeah. You were right, but... I would be even more unlucky if you were there." My dad says, grinning at him. "And Dean would book two beds in this hospital now." Seth pouts at him and sips his water again, making the moment lighten somehow.

I lightly tap my dad on the chest, regaining his attention. "Get some sleep, dad. I'll be here when you wake up." He nods sleepily and closes his eyes obligingly, listening as we talk low over him.

Seth's warmth is pressing against my legs as he leans over to face me. "Well, I have to buy ice cream on the way home. And I guess you don't want me to prepare anything in the kitchen for dinner. Do you?" He asks, an almost teasing lilt in his tone. "Like the other day! I don't know how you always clean the kitchen if it gets messy."

"Please, don't try anything, baby," I mumble back, my weight resting against the other side of the bed, dipping it down just enough for my dad to notice and keeping me from falling asleep.

"And our laundry? You know it's a mess. I'll put my laundry somehow, but yours... I don't know if I can." He says dramatically, having something on his mind already.

"Please, baby. Try to put my laundry as well." I try to convince him, hoping he'll not reject any of mine.

He shrugs his shoulders and grins at me. "How about this? Give me some money, and I'll drop your laundry off at the laundromat and get dinner at McDonald's! I guess it will be great for you."

"Yes. What would I do without you?" I ask, leaning over and pressing a kiss on his lips.

We jump slightly when we hear a noise below us. That's when we realize my dad is still waking and listening to all of our conversations. We stare down at him for a moment, my lips twitching. Seth hums and leans in to kiss me once more before taking the impossibly folded-up money from my fingers.

"You don't want to know where that's been," I tease against his lips, trying to play with him for a moment.

"What?!" He exclaims, staring down at the 20 dollars suspiciously before forcing himself to talk quieter, mindful of the nurses wandering the halls. "I hate you."

"No, you won't," I say smugly, watching as he stomps toward the door. "Try to bring two food bags for us."

He glowers over his shoulder at me but nods briskly before leaving.

"He's interesting." My dad offers the pure brightness in my grin as I turn to look at him.

"Yeah, he is." I settle back in next to the bed and press a hand to him, rubbing his arm when he yawns. "Stick with me, dad, and I'll share our interesting moments with you."

"I'm too tired to even think of a suitable response to that," He muses, laughing breathlessly despite the agony still circulating through his veins before closing his eyes and finally giving in to his body's need for rest.

I chuckle, some of the guilt easing away from me as I watch him asleep. Letting out a long sigh, I take my phone out and inform Roman about what's going on. I knew he would be mad at me for not telling him earlier, but I forgot in the process.

After getting too many shit words from him, I hang up the phone and rub my aching head. I walk over to the window and stare outside, thinking about the reason behind this attack. Anyway, who's Lashley? Why did he keep involving in our shit? My thoughts are interrupted when my phone buzzes and gets my attention. I take my phone out of my pocket and stare at the text, which is threatening.

"It's what an actual revenge!" - Unknown number

Revenge! I look over at my dad before shaking my head and leaving the room furiously. I'm halfway down the hallway when I run into Roman, who's heading right in the direction of my dad's room.

"Hey, where are you going?" He asks, and I can see the waves of confusion and concern and then relief washing over him all within a few seconds. "You look fucking terrible," He says, instead of asking me what's going on. He's probably already figured it out, anyway.

"I know," I say quieter, pulling my phone out and showing the threatening text to him.

He hands the phone back to me and shoves his hands into his pockets, shifting his weight back onto his heels and looking at me gravely. "It must be him!"

"I know," I nod honestly, staring back at him, eyes unguarded, lips trembling slightly.

"He knew what he was doing. He wanted to start a war," He says with a shrug and steps forward, dropping his hand on my shoulder and squeezing it as he looks at me intently.

"Well, he's gonna get one. One way or another," My jaw twitches, mouth twisting into a grimace for a moment. I clear my throat, swallowing hard, and my throat still feels raw, probably from screaming myself hoarse. Karma always comes back to collect, someday, somehow. I think my enemy is smart enough to know that.

Ambrollins : Be My BabyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora