Chapter 76

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Seth POV:

Without thinking about the difficulties in my life, I survey the morning happily and take care of Dean well. Because if I got worried, he would also worry, and I didn't want that.

After breakfast, he spends the rest of the day trying to teach me how to mix drinks. I'm a quick learner, but the only problem is that I have drunken nearly as much as I have made, so he cuts me off before I get too wasted and get a hangover.

"Fuck!" I hear him slam his phone down on the counter, and I get in the room again to see what's the matter. "What's wrong, Dean?"

He's breathing hard, and I can see the tension in his jaw, making the vein in his temple visible. "Dad has a job outside the city, so he's decided to go." He paces back and forth, not knowing what to do. "I don't know whether it is safe when the situation is worst."

"What did you plan to do?" I ask, placing my hand on his shoulder and trying to calm him down.

"I don't know. I don't want dad to go there at this time." He shakes his head, and I can hear the disappointment plainly in his voice. "You knew he was attacked by our enemies a month ago. But now, he decided to go out of the city without caring for any of it. What will I do if something bad happens to him?" He sounds completely broken and so unlike the Dean that I know always cheer me up when I'm down.

"Hey, think positive. Nothing will happen to your dad. We'll take care of everything." I try to comfort him and press a small kiss on his temple.

"I'm not sure about it." He sounds utterly defeated, and it tears me.

I look around the room and think hard for a while. Maybe I have no solution for this, but I can lower Dean's tension in my way. It will not only profit to me but also him. I run to our room and take a hot shower, wiping all the alcohol smell away from me and dressing up quickly.

I return to him and grab his hand, dragging him out of the kitchen. "Dean, come to the mall with me." I frown at him and put my hands on my hips when he swats my hand away.

His head is resting against the wall behind, and his eyes are closed. "I can't, baby. I have to figure out something."

"Well, you're not going to get inspired sitting on the counter." I lean over and cross my arms over his back, planting a kiss on his cheek. "Please.." I whine in a way that I know he can't resist.

He opens his eyes and looks up at me. "What do you need to go shopping for, anyway? Didn't you get a whole new set of clothes?"

"Yeah, but I haven't used your card for a while. It itches me heavily." I kiss his cheek once more before standing up straight. "Besides, I have realized that someone has been using my nighttime moisturizer."

He chuckles a bit and jumps down from the counter. "I like how it feels."

"Well then, come and let me get you the one for your skin type." I drag him out and pick up the car keys, getting excited. "You definitely have dry skin." I'm ready to smack him across the head, but it looks like he's fixed to do the same.

Dean POV:

Watching the situation would sick me already, but taking part in it made me crazy. Especially if it's related to Seth. I rub my aching head and stare at the wall helplessly, not knowing how to escape from this. "Seth, I thought we were buying skincare products," I shout enough for him to hear it.

"Yeah, we are." He says, walking near the curtain enough for me to get his shadow.

Huffing loudly, I pull back the dressing room curtain. "Then why the fuck am I wearing white leather pants that are so tight I can't even zip them up?"

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