Chapter 58

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Dean POV:

As I stir awake, the repeating ring of alarm echoing the room and giving me a headache, making me recall the dream that I've been through the night. I didn't know what I was dreaming of, but I was sure Seth had knotted himself into some trouble that he was unaware of.

I grit my teeth and slap my hand on the alarm, shutting it crying before it makes me mad. My left index and forefinger find my eyes, lightly rubbing away the sleep and dreariness that come with waking up suddenly. Something is going on, but I've not realized it. I close my eyes slightly and get startled when Vince McMahon's image appears in the forefront of my mind. Oh, shit!

I move to stretch my back but stop just before it's too late, so I don't wake my baby. Seth is still dead asleep, using my upper pectoral as a pillow with his well-defined calves wrapped around my right leg.

He mumbles in his sleep. And I grin to myself, finding my current situation is the best that I've been in several weeks. After everything in our life and our recent meeting with his family, I find it nothing short of amazing that he's still adored me.

Even though he doesn't help me in any things, he deserves the best in the world. He really does. Pecking his lips without waking him up, I think about my dream. I find it ironically humorous that Vince McMahon might arrive in my dream. Is there any danger coming to Seth because of him?

Maybe. I stare at the ceiling and recall the incidents that have happened in my life. If he had the background to know about all my details, then he would have done something for his grandson to betray him. Hmm.. why did that Lashley guy torment us in the bar on his own?

"Maybe it's time to figure out the reality, eh?" I mutter across the room at the wall like someone is there. "If I go the right path, I'll get a chance to reveal Vince McMahon's nature."

Seth grumbles under his breath. "What'd you say?" His voice is low and raspy as his warm breath brushes against my chest.

I grin softly, "I said your morning wood was hard enough to cut diamonds."

He rolls over, taking the covers with him. I lie bare and brisk with only my sweatpants to keep me warm until I roll over to spoon my baby and steal some of the blankets back.

"We have to get ready, Seth," I remind him lightly, pecking the back of his neck as I speak.

"Don't remind me." He glances over his shoulder. "Maybe you're turning into a morning person, but I'm not."

I roll my eyes and shrug a shoulder. "Baby, we have to go to Roman's house to discuss buying a property of bar." In response, he only hums and places his hand on mine, giving it a gentle squeeze. It seems a good time to inject what's on my mind to him. "I had a weird dream. In that, your grandpa tried to hurt you."

"Sounds normal," He mumbles with his face hidden by the quilt. "You always imagined him as a wrong person!"

"I've not imagined, it's true. Just think about it. Why did that Lashley guy haunt us in the bar without any reason?" I press a kiss on his shoulder and glance at his face over it, trying to read his expression. "Maybe he's pretending to us that he has forgiven you."

He rolls his eyes and takes a deep breath, trying not to get affected by my words. "There's no need for him to pretend to me because he's Vince McMahon! My grandpa would never lower himself to anyone, but he was lower his self to us, and it was all because of the love he had in me. Maybe you would blame him for all the incidents that had happened in our life if I believed you in his things!"

"Exactly. Why won't your grandpa be the reason for the worst incidents of our life?" I ask, losing my control already.

"Hmm.. why don't your dad be the reason for all this? We know he's still not accepting us. Maybe he would have tried to kill me to get you back." He says, glancing at me over his shoulder to read my expression now. "Well, there's a chance for it."

I shut my eyes tightly and try to calm my nerves, not wanting to show my anger at him and making him run away. "Leave it. Why do we have to fight this early morning with a stupid dream? Let's talk about today's events." I lightly drag my fingertips along his ribcage.

He jolts slightly, prompting me to chuckle. He moves my hand away, but I place my palm against his stomach right away. "Hey, I'm sorry for spoiling your mood. Do you have any plans today?" I ask, trying to clear the tension between us.

"I have the same schedule you do." He replies irritably, though it is because he is still half-asleep.

"You wanna go get lunch somewhere after visiting Roman?" I question, tensing up at the idea that he will reject me.

"If I say yes, will you let me sleep?" He fires back.

I lean forward and kiss his cheek. "I'm serious."

He peeks over his shoulder, then rolls back around to face me. He opens his mouth to speak, but I cut in with a quick peck on the lips. He furrows his eyebrow. "What's gotten into you? You were irritating me a minute before, but now you were like.. begging to me."

He smirks. "Do I need a reason to take you out? It's just lunch."

"Hmm.. okay." He chuckles and pulls himself out of bed. He walks around the room and collects an outfit for the day as he continues speaking. "Right now, I'm going to take a shower. You're more than welcome to take one after me. That's when I have time to get ready." He leans over the bed, locking lips with me for a few heartbeats.

"Be back in a bit, baby." I ruffle my fingers through his hair and smack his ass when he pulls back and turns to leave. The act baits a laugh from me, but an eye roll and an index finger from him.

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