Chapter 50

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Seth POV:

When we enter the house, I run to our room and begin to take off my clothes, feeling good all over again. As I finish taking off my shirt and throw it on the bed, Dean enters the room and closes the door behind him, leaning against it.

"What, uh.. what do you have in mind?" I ask, trying to sound noncommittal, but I'm dying to know what he's planned next.

He smirks at my tone and says, "I guess maybe you deserve a treat before we're going for dinner at Roman's house." He walks over to me as he throws his hands in the air. "After all, you ran around good outside even if I hit you on the ass with snowballs."

I flush with pleasure, and my shoulders and torso do a little wiggle at the praise. "What kind of treat?" I mutter, not asking but demanding to know.

He walks behind me, wrapping his arms around my narrow hips and leaning against me before whispering in my ear. "Did you know you wiggled your ass when you got hit by me?"

"I didn't!" I pull away, but he holds onto me, turning me around.

"You did," He says again. "It was like you were humping me."

"Shut up," I mutter. I'm frowning and pulling at Dean's hands, so he'll let go of my hips. "If your idea of a treat is to mock me, forget it."

"Aww, baby, no." He croons, "I'm not mocking you. I think it's cute." He steps back into my space and places his hands on my butt, pulling me closer to him. He leans in real close, almost nose-to-nose. With a blink of an eye, his lips press against mine and try to get control of me.

He lays soft wet kisses all over my shoulders and the back of my neck, then moving down to press a gentle one against the shivering skin of my spine. I'm pliant and easy, but there is some tension in my body, and he's ready to take care of it. He smirks and then moves up to press his lips near my ear, and it has me squirming a bit in his arms. "Seth," His voice is a slight whisper, and it makes me shudder slightly under his lips.

He grins a little and then moves until his head is lying in the crook of my neck. "I'll treat you good, baby."

With that, I wrap my arms around his shoulders easily, my mouth pressing against his head in a soft kiss. "I love you." I smile and bury my face in the crook of his neck, letting him do anything to me.

As Dean's about to pick me up from the floor, my phone rings and gets my attention. I try to ignore it, but I can't because something in me, itching to attend it. I give him an apologizing look and walk over to the bedside table, grabbing my phone from it.

A smile curls on my lips when I find my dad's number appears on the screen. I swipe it quickly and attend the call, chatting with my parents felicitously. My mom apologizes for earlier events and tries to cheer me up by saying sweet things.

After finishing talking with them, I request Dean to prepare something for me to eat, because I'm very excited now. Usually, I feel starved whenever I'm happy or sad. With a frown, he's leaving the room and running to the kitchen.

A few minutes later, I walk over and lean against the doorway, watching him preparing cookies. "Hey." I sit down at the counter and sneak a few cookies when I guess he isn't watching, which makes him shake his head in amusement.

When we've almost finished, I suddenly remember something. "Oh, I got you something. For your birthday. But now it can be a Christmas gift, I guess."

He's staring at me, but I'm just busy mopping up the leftover syrup off my plate with my last forkful of pancakes. I put the empty plate in the sink and smile at him before leaving the kitchen and retrieving the gift from the pocket of my carry-on.

I come back down and brandish the gift bag at him. "Here."

He opens the bag carefully and pulls out what's inside before holding it up by the edges in front of him so it can come unfurled. It's a sweater, light blue to match his eyes, with a smiling pit bull on it.

"It reminded me of you when I bought it," I explain, a small smile on my face. "Rough around the edges but a total softie underneath."

"You're such a sentimental sap, baby," He murmurs, but the fond look in his eyes says something else. He folds the sweater back up and rests it on the table.

"I got you something too," He tells me out of nowhere, and that genuinely surprises me.

"Really? Another gift!" I say, eyes narrowing skeptically.

He disappears for a minute and returns to the kitchen with both hands holding something behind his back.

I stare at him, wild and a little scared, as he reveals the gift and shoves it into my hands. "What the hell is this?" I ask, eyes wide, as I look down at the stuffed toy. It's a strange, brown, ugly, hairy creature with giant feet.

"A baby sasquatch," He says like that makes all the sense in the world. "Keep it with you. It's something different. It'll be like I'm with you even if I have run to my friend's house sometimes." He looks off dramatically into the distance with a long sigh.

I shake my head in disbelief over somehow ending up here. And not wanting to change any part of it for anything in the world. "You're such an idiot," I tell him seriously.

"You love me," He says with a smirk, and I can't exactly deny that.

Dean POV:

It's an incredible evening that we are arriving at Roman's house and knocking at his door. A few seconds later, he and his girlfriend Ronda open the door and let us in with a greeting smile. Leading us through the house, they bring us to the dining room and serve dinner. 

After finishing dinner, we return to the living room and share our Christmas moments. "How was your first Christmas going, dude?" He asks, elbowing his head and giving me a curious look.

"We celebrated Christmas based on Seth's family tradition. And I proposed to him last night, wanting to make our relationship the official one." I say casually, without realizing what I'm spilling now.

He smiles at first, but then he freezes and surveys both. "Official?!" He asks, and suddenly his voice is a whisper.

I look at Seth and then back at him. Did it happen? Did I tell a secret to him accidentally before spilling it to our parents? "Erm.." I can't talk and just let hear this strange sound while Seth shakes his head.

"Yeah, we were official since last night.." I nod and signal to him to show the leather band around his neck to Roman. While my friend's eyes plaster on the ring, Ronda turns my baby around and admires it.

We then share our pleasant moments and discuss our future. As time goes on, we both pair sit on the couch the rest of the night with our loved one's hands joined. In the end, my baby has passed out against my chest, my heartbeat lulling him to sleep. There is a usual peaceful silence between us, to which I smile and close my eyes.

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