Chapter 8

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Roman POV:

I hum a song as I emerge from the bathroom with a white towel wrapping around my waist. I open the closet and take each piece of clothing to throw on the bed, not satisfying the right one for me.

I have many plans today, and I don't want my date to get disappointed. Yeah... I have a date with Ronda. Finally, she agreed to give me a chance. I hope everything will be all right. I want to make this day a perfect one for us.

I grab a blue t-shirt and black cargo pants to wear. I dress quickly and look at myself in the mirror, checking that everything is okay. I let out an appreciative noise as I look at my reflection.

I take my wallet and phone from the bedside table and slip them into my pants pocket. As I'm checking myself once again in the mirror, I hear a loud bang from outside. I walk over to the window and look out there to know what is happening.

My eyes go wide as I see my car get destroyed by two great, monstrous people. What the hell! I planned to take Ronda on a date in that car, but now two unknown people are crashing it without conscience. How dare they are!

"Hey." I throw my arm in the air and yell at them from inside, but they don't mind. I grit my teeth and run down the stairs to stop them. My heart bursts into a million pieces as I see my favorite car get abused.

"Stop it." I pull them from my car and shove them away. "How dare you touch my car?" I yell in anger and glance at my car once again. It makes me even angry, so I grab one of their shirts and yell at his face, "I don't know who you are. Then why did you do this to my car?"

"Your car?!" He asks me in return, and it makes me confused. It means they have destroyed my car by thinking about it's someone else. Wait! Hold on! I don't want to hear any explanation from them, whatever it is, because the abused car is mine.

Dean POV:

When I hear a loud bang from outside, I don't think it is a big deal. But when I hear another roar, I call my friend to know what is going on, but he doesn't reply. I sigh and take my own time to check what is going on outside.

I see a familiar car right on the side when I open the door. I try to figure out who's behind it but get disturbed when I hear Roman's voice in the air. I turn to see a severely abused car on the other side, and it is crucial to find its identity now.

In front of it, my best friend barks out Seth's bodyguards. What are they doing here? If they are here, I'm sure my baby will be here. Now I can figure out whose car I have seen in the driveway.

I make my way to the Volkswagen Sirocco and knock at the glass. I didn't get any response, even the slightest one. Maybe I was wrong! He would let his bodyguards here and stay at his home.

I turn to leave but stop when I hear a car door opening. I smirk as I see Seth and give him a seductive look. I notice the leather jacket that covers his upper body. It doesn't seem tight as hell, and the shirt underneath looks fit.

I place my hands on my chest and say in a dramatic tone, "Oh my God! My baby has changed a little for me. Now no one can see what's mine."

"Don't get flattered yourself. I didn't do anything for you. I felt hot, so I put like this." He says and pretends to adjust his jacket to let the air in. "And one more thing, don't call me 'baby' again."

"Okay, baby. You told me that you felt hot, but your pants.." I grin, not even trying to hide the way my eyes slide up and down his face then his chest. He clears his throat and tries to get my attention when he finds out that I'm checking him out.

I don't give a damn and let my eyes further down, but he covers my eyes with his hand. Instead of removing his hand from my eyes, I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him against me. I move my mouth to his ear and whisper, "Why don't you be my baby?"

He pushes me away and glares at me. "How dare you touch me? I'll kill you. If I tell my grandpa about you, he will make you unidentified. So be within your limit and save yourself!"

"Oh, then your bodyguards, now your grandpa! It means you can't be a man in your entire life." I tease him and see his face heats up. I try to get in his mind and make him hear my words. "Okay, just tell me, who is your grandpa? I'll talk to him about making you a man."

He glares at me, and I try to recall the words that I have told him. "Why do I want to make you a man? It's enough if you are my baby!"

He rolls his eyes and pretends that my words don't affect him, but I'm sure he will take my every word into his mind. If he didn't take my words in his costume, he wouldn't change his style.

Seth POV:

Dean's smile turns into a wide grin for something that's going on in his mind, and it wants me to smack his face off. I want to stop his flirting because I'm not here for this. I'm here to show him that I will make his life hell if he crosses his path in my life again.

I try to warn him, but a man with gray eyes and long brown hair that past his shoulders approaches him. "Dean, do I have your attention? I lost my mind as I saw the abused state of my car."

"Your car?!" I ask him in a confused tone. Shit! I told my bodyguards to destroy it by thinking that it was Dean's car.

He nods angrily and clenches his fist. "Why everyone asked the same question? By the way, who are you? Are you one of the idiots among them?"

"Mind your words, Mr. whoever it is. It's not our fault; it's his fault." I point Dean to him and try to escape from the situation. "If you want to show your anger to anyone, then show it to him. We're not responsible for this."

"How could you're not responsible for this?" Dean asks me with a smirk and tries to get me off guard.

I need to do something clever before he gets me into a problem. I look at the long-haired man and say, "I'm not responsible for this, that's it. If you want, I'll give you money to repair your car." I turn to look at his car, and its condition is terrible now. "I'm not sure your car can be repairable. Don't worry. I'll buy you a brand new car."

"What do you think, huh? You can replace everything with money! Nah... It's my favorite car." He growls, and Dean tries to convince him before turning his attention back to me. "Baby, you can leave now. But you need to come to Le Bernardin at 5.00 pm. We will talk about it there."

I don't need to go anywhere that he wants me, but I want to escape this situation now, so I nod and signal my boys to get in the car. I sigh and lean back against the seat, thinking about this day.

Ambrollins : Be My BabyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz