Their Betrayal

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Anglina. POV.

How could anyone family do this to their family member. My own family wrecked my life because of money. If they needed money and Power they just would have asked me but they choose betrayal. My Parents, My Twin sister and  My Husband they all betrayed me.

When I was born my Parents were very dissappointed because they wanted only one kid. They thought of putting me on adoption but my Grandparents saved me and took me with them. I grew up with them. But when they died in a car accident on my 18th birthday , for the first time in my life I felt alone. My Grandparents kept all their fortunes for me. So to fill my loneliness I started working hard. I excelled in my Grandparent's Company. But after some time my parents came back in my life and asked for forgiveness because that was the first time they ever contacted me.

I accepted them with open arms. They never showed anykind of harshness towards me. During that time I had a bestfriend named Simon. He was a Russian business tycoon. I was in love with him. I thought of telling him but I never got a chance. During that time my Parents sent me to sign a business deal in Singapore. So when I came back I saw that Simon was married with my Sister and the worst part was that no one in my family told me. My elder twin Sanjelina always despised me so she took her revenge by marrying the love of my life.

Simon never contacted me after that and left with my sister. Later my parents made me marry to a Playboy CEO Jerk - Ruffel. We never got closer because he was busy in his flings and I in buisness. Whenever I got home he was never present there. My life was again filled with loneliness so to divert my mind I started taking Self defence and music classes.

So earlier today when I entered my Office I saw Sanjelina sitting on my Chair. Then she told me that she has taken my company from me with lie. And worst part was that my parents and husband was involved in it. All those days when I thought that he was with his girlfriends he was planning to betray me. He wanted my company's shares and my parents wanted the Company in their name.

And when told her that I will sue her for this she showed me a NOC with my signature on it. Even  all the Company's Documents had my signature where I was willingly giving my Company to them.

They threw me out from my Company by cursing me with beautiful words and throwing insults at me. I had nowhere to go so right now I am sitting on a bench in a park thinking, what did I do to deserve this?

My sister had her relation with my Husband and she also told me that she married Simon so that she break our friendship and make him breaking his bond with my company in which she succeeded.

She also threw divorce papers on me where I was already Divorced with Ruffel. She disguised herself as me and played dirty.

Right now I feel nothing but hurt. I don't know what to do. I failed my Grandparents.

"No. Its not your fault. They are cruel and they took the advantage of you kind heart. And don't worry your Grandparents are always proud of you. We both will take revenge." I heard the fimiliar voice of my Best friend Simon. I turned back and saw him standing in all his glory. He was accompained by his bodyguards.

I ran towards him and threw my arms around him and hugged him and cried my heart out. He hugged me back lovingly. He said

" Angie . Let it go. I am here. I will never leave you. I was also played by them." I didn't understand what he meant by that but I let it go because right now my heart his full and I want to cry. He is cooing softwords into my ears.

In the arms of love of my life. I don't feel scared. I feel calm. I hope he never leaves me now.

Its been two weeks after my encounter with Simon. Now I live with him. Simon told me that he married Sangelina because she disguised herself as me. He also said that he liked me so when he went to my home he found Sangelina there and thought that was me. As when I was in Singapore I didn't get a chance to inform about that to Simon. He married my sister thinking that was me and when he came to know about this he was furious.

He asked for forgiveness and said that he will avenge for our betrayal. From the past few days Simon is avoiding me because I didn't forgive him . The reason was that I doubt him. Like who makes mistake in recognising a person especially when the person is your best friend.

He wants to destroy my family but I told him not to as they are happy with the company. I just wish that they take care of grandparents company. That is one of the reason he is ignoring me. He wants the original documents and will of my grandparents which is with me. My family was only able to keep a hold on my company but rest of my grandpa's property was safe with me.

Simon wants me to handover these documents to him so that he can use them as leverage. We got into an argument because of this which made me to leave his house . Right now I am walking on the streets. Simon has tried to call me so many times but I ignored his calls and messaged him that I will be coming tomorrow . He didn't call me after that.

But around 10:30 p.m. I decided to go back to his house as I had nowhere to go. When I reached his house no one was there. I saw that  the light of the Simon's office was on and the door of his office was ajar. I heard Simon talking to someone.

"I know Sange and I am trying my best. She don't trust me fully.  But I am trying my best to lure her to me." 

I heard Simon saying that to someone.

"Don't worry the moment I will get a hold over those documents I will myself kill her as I tried to do  when she was in Singapore."

I don't know what to feel. I was betrayed again . I don't know what they want from me. And now I remember the car accident which I faced in Singapore. But I was saved by a Gangster named Kyle to whom I owe my life. The I ears dropped more  and I heard

"No . She is not here. She ran away when I was forcing her to give me papers.....".........

" Don't worry she is not coming back tonight . The moment she will come back I will try to make her give me those documents."


"Yeah. I love you too. And I know your sister is a fool to even fell in love with me. You are the love of my wife. No I will not kiss her. But if it will come to it I will not hesitate as we have planned for this thing from last five years.."

After hearing this I quietly left this house. Now I know how low my family can stoop down. They really despise me so much. I had enough of their games. Now I will show them the real me.

I took the taxi and went to my penthouse  which no one knows about. I called the only person I know who will never betray me. He warned me but I paid a deaf ear to him so here I am now.

I called him and said

"You were right . They all were behind this. I lost the bet . I am ready to be your wife but you will help me in destroying them ."

"Don't worry sweetheart . I will handle it myself. You get ready fir our marriage."

With that he hanged up the phone. Not like  I expected him to consol me. I went to my room and I hired a tight security around my property. I hired a private investigator to keep me inform about their next moments. Now rest he will see. I know right now he will be planning for my revenge . I trust him that is why he has my documents. He can do anything for me to be his wife.

I closed my eyes and went to sleep thinking about my flight to Russia tomorrow.....

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