Taken by the Devil-2

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Avery. POV.

When I woke up I was in a dark box. I got up from there and saw that I was in a coffin in which my body lies. All these things are so confusing. I wanted the answers of my questions like - Am I really dead? Why I am on Earth ? Who was that Guy? And What will Happen to me?

Right now I am in the middle of the scary graveyard with the full moon on view. It all looks like the cliche movie scene where a ghost will appear. But in reality its me who is ghost. But the strange thing is that I don't feel any emotion. Infact I feel calm but lonely.

I thought that I should pay visit to my family and see how they are coping with my death. The moment I tried to step out of my the Graveyard I was pushed back by an unseen force. I tried it so many times and through different ways but in vain.

At last I got tired and I sat on my grave and I started thinking over the things. Its weird that I being a ghost is feeling tired. I am sad that me exes betrayed me but if they would have informed me about this I wouldn't have been dead. But I hope my father doesn't kill them and I forgive them for what they did to me . I also asked for forgiveness from the God because I let anger over rule me. I acted bad so God punished me.

I just hope my family remains well and my family also continues my work to support the Orphanages.

After a lot of thinking I started roaming in the graveyard. I kept on worrying about my family.

Then I laid down on my grave and started thinking about the guy who rescued me after I died. Strange.

I kept on thinking about his black eyes . I wasn't even able to say thanks to him. But the thing is when I got fainted I was in his arms but when I woke up I find myself in this Grave. Who put me here?

All these questions are exploding my head. But then the thought of that boy came to my mind and it brought a smile upon my face. His muscular body and mysterious eyes interest me.

I don't know for how long I am here? This place is weird. Its always night here. And the moon is always shining. I don't even know what place is this? It seems like as if I have been trapped.

I just keep on climbing the trees and look through the other graves of people which I always find empty. It seems like that only I am here.

I don't know what will happen to me.I want to go from here. It feels creepy and lonely here. Now I feels like my emotions are coming.

Suddenly the Graveyard went silent. Usually there is the noise of the rustling of the leaves through the wind but now it seems that everything has been stopped.

Then the white mist started covering the Graveyard out of nowhere. I got scared so I climbed a nearby tree. This thing continued for sometime and when the grave was fully covered with mist upto waist level everything went silent again.

Slowly I crept down the tree and started making my way back to my grave because that is the only place where I feel happy right now. But then I saw a movement on the front door of a creepy cottage in the Graveyard. When I went there I saw some hooded figure entering the house.

Then I saw him coming in the veranda and started scanning the Graveyard. I ducked down behind an unknown Grave from his sight.

I slowly went back to my Grave and started entering the coffin making minimum noise. When I laid down in the coffin completely I got relaxed.

But then I heard somebody's footsteps near my Grave. I got silent and continued listening and hoping it to go away. But then suddenly my hand was held by a creepy looking bony black hand and I was pulled outside and I came in face to face with the hooded figure. I saw his full body was skeleton and instead of eyes there was darkness present there.

His whole body was covered in a black hooded dress but then suddenly the place where his hand was holding me it started burning. I screamed and started to free my hand from his grip but in vain.

My screams were heard in the Graveyard and my whole body started heating as if I have been kept in a fire but then suddenly that hooded figure was thrown backward and I was pulled into the arms of the same black-eyed man who  has occupied my mind. His face was in my neck and he was holding me as if his life was dependent upon it. But for some reason his touch felt oddly fimiliar like I have known him from ages.

My body got relaxed and I hugged him as he protected him. Then he pushed me behind him and took out his sword and then only I niticed his white big wings. He flew to the place where the hooded figure was thrown and after sometime he came back . He hugged me and said

"He is gone for good."

I prayed to God to provide solace to that hooded figure's soul.

The grip of black - eyed man on my body tightened and I felt him wrap his wings around me which provided me with warmth.

Then he said

"Don't be so kind hearted Ava. He was about to kill you. But then you are Ava. My Ava." Close to my ear. His warm breath sending shivers to my spine.

I looked at him and when I looked into his eyes I started feeling drowsy. My grip on him loosened but his grip on me was tight so I didn't fall. My eyes held confusion in them. Then he told me.

"Sleep my sweet Ava. I will answers your questions tomorrow . Sleep. I have got you."

The last thing I felt was him carrying me in his arms and flying his way out of here. But my mind was drifting back into the dreams of him and when I closed my eyes there was a smile on my face.

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