The Girl Behind me

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The Girl Behind me

My name is Ranjani Jones. I know it sound s weird but my Mam had a thing for Indian names. But  don't mind its nice and unique.

I am a manager in a very well renowed restaurant . So I earn very well. I live 10 minutes walk away from the restaurant I work. My parents died in car crash and I have no living member of my family alive. Strange. They all died a weird death. I work from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Right now I am walking back to my home but then I felt somebody following me. Suddenly I got crashed into a deep blue eyed , black haired man. If it was not for his hands holding me I would have fallen down.

I stepped back and apologized to him and started my way back to my house. When I turned back I saw that man looking at me with a smile on his face and there was no sign of my stalker.

Next day after work when I was moving back to my house I saw a small girl wearing a black frock and her hair were into pigtails. She was sitting near the wall with her head on her knees and her arms wrapping her legs.

I went near her and asked her , What is her name? But she  said nothing. She kept quiet and just looked at me. But then she said she is hungry. I held her very cold hand and took her to a nearby restaurant. I gave her my jacket as her body was cold. But when the order came she ate nothing. Then she got down from her chair and came towards me and hugged me. I felt weird but hugged her back. I thought that she was thanking me. But then her grip on me tightened. It was difficlt for me to breathe. I started thrashing and pushing her away but she was too powerful. My whole body started burning.

Then she pushed me forcefully and my back hit a wall. I got up from there and ran back to my home ignoring the stares of the people. When I reached home I locked myself in my room. And I started taking bath in my washroom to cool down my burning body.

After bathing I went under the covers of my body and pulled myself in a fatal position. I was not able to sleep . At midnight I felt a hand trailing on my back and felt somebody's breath near my ear. And the peraon said in a very deep and creepy voice

"You have been found and he will take what is his."

I got up from the bed in fear and switched on the bedside lamp and found no one. During my sleep I could hear someone pacing around my room but in fear I didn't get up.

Next day I took a day off from my work. While taking bath I saw that my body was covered in some greek language and there were the tatooes of wings on my back. I did not know what was happening to me. My body was extremely pale.

When I opened my cupboard to take out my clothes and saw that little girl sitting there. I ran away from my room and locked myself in the store room. There was an old mirror in front of me. And in that I saw that I girl behind me but when I turned back no one was there but the reflection of that girl was there. I saw in reflection that girl moving towards me. I fell down and then I found myself near the cupboard . It was just a dream I reassured myself.

Then I got a call from the restaurant abour some emergency there. When I reached there I saw that all the windows, chairs , tables ,etc. were broken. There was a message written on the wall with blood " You Are Caught." I was afraid but I didn't dare to tell about it to anyone. Then we all started working on the loss. Around 8:00 p.m. all my collagues went back to their homes. Around 9:00 p.m. I was finished. When I came out from the restaurant I found that all the streets were empty. I felt someone behind me. I turned and saw that same girl. I started running away from her but I got collided with someone and it was the same person with whom I got collided that day.

I hugged him and in panicked voice I said

"Please save me from that girl. I don't want to Die. Please."

He hugged me back tightly and put his face in my neck and started inhaling my scent. And then he said

"Finally, You are mine."

The moment I heard the same voice which I heard that day in my room  my whole body stilled. I started struggling and pushing him away but his hold on me was firm.

He held my face in his arms. Ignoring my pleas and tears and said

"Don't worry. I will only pain a little. I have got you."

With that he kissed my lips and the last thing I saw was his deep blue eyes and the snapping of my neck ........


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