Gang leader's Billionaire

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Gangleader's Billonaire-4

Andrew POV.

Next day when I woke up Ray was in my arms, and was snuggled into me. I was loving this moment . So i decided to take a day off.

I told Chris and Nina to take care of the buisness while we are away. I took Ray to my beach penthouse which was isolated from here. I needed a perfect moment with her.

I can't let her go now when I have found her. When we entered inside the penthouse Ray was dumbstruck beacause it was beautiful and selected by my mother.

We just talked about the things about herself. I told her that I have no one other than her and Chris in my life on which she hugged me tightly and said that she will never leave me.

I came to know that her grandfather and grandmother are in India on vacation as they like it over there. She has told them about me and they have agreed.

During lunchtime we together made lunch as she didn't know that I can also cook. She said

"I always dreamt of marrying the one who can cook"

After listening this the smile never went from my face and she don't know that I will be her and she will be mine forever.


So I decided to take her out on a dinner. I bought one blue dress and heels for her. I hope she likes them because she don't like stylish clothes. Today I want her to wear my color. My Penthouse is secured and I am taking her to one of the famous restaurant which I own.

Right now I am getting ready in the guest room. When I got ready I waited for her downstairs. I am wearing a black suit. Then I felt her presence. When I turned back, my jaw dropped open . She was looking stunning. Her blonde hair were open and her blue eyes were breathtaking. I chose a simple knee length dress for her because I don't want anyone to see what is mine.

She was walking down the stairs and it was looking as if a princess is walking, even though she is my princess.

"You are looking beautiful baby"

"You are also looking handsome my beast"

My eyes locked with her eyes and I saw she also felt the same way about me. When she came near me she wrapped her arms around me and kissed me. My arms immediately found her waist and  I deepened the kiss. Then I took her hand in mine and we drove to our destination.

When we reached there I took her hand and helped her out the car. And when we entered the restaurant, Everybody's head turned towards us. Men were looking at my girl lustful. I pulled Ray towards me and held her by the waist and kissed her in front of everyone. I got the same response from her as her hands went to wrap my neck possessively. I think she got the same response from girls which I got from men.

I had already booked a private booth for us. And there we had our dinner. We talked about business and about our childhood. When I told her about my funny childhood incidents I got to hear her laugh. Whole time I was staring at her as if I can't get enough of her. When she would look at me I just shrugged.

And when the time came about the surprise I became nervous but when I saw her smile I decided that I have to do it.

Then I get down on one knee, Took her hand in my hand and looked into her eyes and said...

"Raylor I know that I am a gangster and I bought you but I don't know what happened to me the moment I saw you. You became my happiness and you filled the void in my heart with your warmth and love. I know this is sudden but I don't want to wait anymore. I don't like the way other men look at you. I want to make you mine. So will you please marry me?"

"Andrew I...."

I cut her sentence and said...

"I know that you may not like me but please give me a chance. I will make it up to you. You are my angel who can tame my beast . Please say Yes"

"Andrew I also love you but..."

"BUT What ?"

Then she slapped me and said...


With that she bent down on her knees and kissed me putting her every emotion into that kiss. My one hand was in the centre of her back and one holding her face to me. Her hands were on my chest.

Then we broke of our kiss I placed the ring on her finger. It was a simple ring with a bow on the top. I ordered it specially. She stared at the ring and told me that she loved the ring.

I had a stupid grin on my face continuously. And whenever I looked at her it widens. I can't keep my hands off her. She is my breath.

After that we drove to our Penthouse and at that night I claimed her as mine....

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