Her Only Love

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Raylor. POV.

I can see him talking to ther girls and their lustful gaze on him. He is unaware that much of these girls want him. But I turned my head away from my Hubby and those bees and looked blankly at the food in front of me.

I am sitting alone on the table in one of his associates party and he as usual the star of the party. Even though everyone knows that i am married to him but still it doesn't stop those girls from trying to seduce him. I know my hubby is a rich billionaire but still they should not do such kind of things. I don't know what is on these girls mind.

I got married to my Andrew two years back. It was an arrange marriage and my first ever contact with a male except from my possesive Father and two elder brothers.
I was home schooled as they feared that i will be bullied because I have a weak body and I am not very social except with my hubby. When we got married Andrew hated me as he loved some another girl. I didn't know how to consol him as I was very new to such kind of things. He left me for 2 years in his big mansion with his maids and family butler who I must say were very nice to me.

In those two years I learnt about my Hubby's likes and dislikes so that when he comes back I can make him happy as my mom had told me to never give an excuse to make Andrew angry. I never left his mansion as he never gave me the permission  to leave and mother says that after marriage my whole life is arround him only.

During those days I could see his family butler noticing my movements and so many times I heard him talking to someone about me. Maybe it was my In laws.

All my requirements were fulfilled by his family butler only. I used to spent my days in Andrew's big library where I read so many amazing books.

I felt bad that I was living in Andrew's mansion for free and even using his resources so I applied for an online job where I started writing novels and stories  and my luck that all those novels became successful and some of them even got published which actually earned me a great deal of money. My identity was kept hidden as I wrote those novels under my pen name ROSE.

When i collected sufficient amount of money I told my publisher to transfer it into Andrew's account whose information I secretly got from Andrew's office without anyone's knowledge.

I felt contented with it and strange thing was that during those days I never got a call from my loving family due to which i sometimes felt lonely but I hid it as I didn't want to become a burden on anyone.

And exactly after two years , one day after I transferred money into his account Andrew came back. I hid myself from him  as much as possible. I never looked at his face whenever he was in front of me or when we were having dinner. I didn't want him to feel disgusted by me or leave me again. He started living in his mansion again and with me in the same room.

I was happy that there was someone with me who accompany's me when I sleep and make me feel better when I get nightmares. Whenever I was in library during his arrival from the office he would call for me as he was not able to find me.

I don't know how but slowly - slowly he started loving me back. As I started noticing his gaze at me and him kissing me on my cheek, temple, forhead and neck wherever he got any chance. I was unsure but I loved it.

And after one year of us staying together he finally decided to bring me to the outer world. From last three years I didn't step outside his mansion and now here I am . As his partner.

Nobody tries to approach me . Maybe because  I give such vibes. When i looked at him again I saw one the girl Kissing him on his lips . And I recognized her as the love of Andrew JASMINE. For whom he left me for two years .

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