Love at First sight

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Love at first sight

My father he got transferred to a different state so we were also supposed to move with him. There i joined a new highschool which was very famous.

When i first entered there everything was fine and then the most wonderful thing happened. I fell in love with a bad boy who has a very bad reputation. No girl liked him but me the nerd of the school fell in love with him.

For the first few months i tried to talk to him. But everytime his blue hazel eyes will leave me dumbstruck.

He was average in his studies but he was a star in sports and all the bad things. This was one of the reason that all the good girls will avoid him and all the bad girls will follow him.

I don't know where the things went wrong but he started bullying me. He will call me nerdy,loner and alien which really hurt.

Even my friends didn't help me during the bullies. I became depressed because i never got attracted to anyone but when it did he became my nightmare. I always hated bullying and when the person i liked did this i really felt ashamed of me to fall for such a cruel man.

I distanced myself from everyone. I converted myself to allrounder. I studied hard and excelled in every sport which became the talk of the school.

I never thought that the wound would impact me this much.

The bullying stopped but the names continued. My previous so called friends tried to befriend me but i ignored them all.

One night when i was going to my home i saw someone lying passed out on the street. When i took a closer look at the person he was none other than my crush. So i immediately called the ambulance because there was a deep wound in his stomach.

In the hospital police came and interrogated me. So i told them everything i knew. I called his friends and parents but none of them came so i decided to stay there. I took care of him and paid for his treatment. I stayed in hospital for one week with him because i felt that it was my duty to help him out in his harsh time.

When he got well his friends came and he thuoght that they were the one who helped him. I stayed far away from him and left to my home.

Next day when i went to school he was there i smiled because i saved somebody's life. But then the most unexpected thing happened he came to me with his tray of food in his hand and dumped it all over me  and said

"You thought that with your studies and games you can become one of us. But you are wrong. You were always and will be a loser"

The whole cafeteria started laughing but i felt nothing and said

"Is that so? BUT if i am a loser then why did your friends and family  refused to help you when you were wounded and passed out on the street. And guess what? Me the loser saved you and took care of you when nobody did. But now i know that first love is always wrong. You did so bad things to me but still i saved your life. And even after saving you you just showed me that it is a sin to love people like you. But still i pray to god that you get everything in your life and i hope that you will make a friend who will help you not turn his back on you. But now you don't have to worry about me because i am leaving and i really thank to god that i am not one of you because then i would have done this"

With that i tightly slapped his face. The sound of the slap was heard in the whole cafetaria and everyone was silent.

I turned back and rushed out of the cafeteria remembring the regret , shocked , painful and betrayed look on his face.

From that day ownwards i never turnrd back. I am now a successful women and i still don't know anything about my first love but i know that now he is a very good man and he searches for me.

But i don't because it was his betrayal that made me who i am now. But still I LOVE HIM.....

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