Her Idiotic Husband

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Her Idiotic Husband -3

Chris. POV.

I was not able to believe my own eyes. Daisy. My Daisy was standing in front of me. I reached out to hug her, but her bodyguards restrained me. Now all the attention was on me and Daisy. My parents and sister came rushing towards us. But they were also restrained. She was looking at us as if she was looking at us for the first time.

I looked at her covered face and then fall down on to my knees and said:

"Daisy. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but please give me a chance. I promise I will make it up to you. I am sorry for breaking your trust. Please." My voice full of remorse.

My parents were crying and looking at her. And then she said:

"Mr. Denoven. I guess you are mistaking me for my deceased sister. Actually, I am her twin sister Casey Flower. When we were young, our parents were poor, and they could only afford one daughter. So they put me up for an adoption as my parents had no relatives. When I grew up, my foster parents told me about the existence of my sister. One week ago I came in contact with her. We were supposed to meet today. But then I heard about her accident..."

She looked down tears streaming down her face. She very elegantly dried her tears and looked at me with coldness in her eyes and continued:

"And after listening to your ranting, it is clear that you are the one responsible for my sister's death. Now you will pay for her life."

She motioned her guards, and they caught me. My family tried to step forward, but they were stopped. She turned to them and in a calm and cold voice she said:

"I am the leader of the Sunflower Gang, and your son has done something horrible by separating two sisters. I don't want to listen to any explanation, because in my eyes he is a sinner, and he will pay for his sins. And don't worry. I will not kill him. I will just do something, which will always make him remember not to break somebody's heart. I will send him off to your doorstep after one week, and till that time you will not utter about this thing to anyone. If you will, then be ready to face the consequences, because I am not a force you should mess with."

She then walked away. I tried to free myself, but everything was in vain. I was not able to shout as whatever was about to happen to me I deserved it. I did kill my beautiful wife, and I hope she and her sister forgives me.

I quietly went towards their limousine. Before entering towards it, I looked at my family who were sobbing, I just gave them a sad smile as they knew Sunflower Gang is the World's most scary and powerful gang. Nobody messes with them. I saw Casey looking at me and my family without any emotion, and then I was blindfolded and was led to a new world where my punishment was waiting for me.


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