Chapter 44 - a missing Golden Boy

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The mesmerizing scenery of the gardening club would never cease to amaze you

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The mesmerizing scenery of the gardening club would never cease to amaze you. It's impossible.

Under the glow of the bright summer sun, the flowers practically sparkled with life. Bees swarmed around, butterflies rested their wings in this peaceful haven and if you listened for a few moments, you'd hear the music of the cicadas. Colourful, alive and magical are some of the many words you'd use to describe the green sanctuary.

If harmony was a place, it'd be the gardens of Cherryton Academy and Haru would be its guardian angel.

Still shaken up from your encounter with Juno, you look around in search for your small friend. You stay quiet, fully focusing on any familiar humming, talking or anything like that. And truly, after only a few moments of silence, you catch Haru's soft humming coming from the direction of the shed.

With a growing smile on your face, you make your way to the wooden structure.

She doesn't take notice of you immediately, though her ears twitch into your direction once you're a couple feet away from her. It's kind of cute to watch and particularly reminds you of the rabbits back in your world. Haru's taking care of one of her plants, one you're not even going to try to name, but she seems rather busy so you decide to patiently wait for her to turn around.

She doesn't.

You're pretty sure you're standing there for five whole minutes and eventually, the atmosphere turns from peaceful to awkward.

Does she think I'm someone else? Like some boy who keeps bothering her or something?

You know for a fact that, unlike canines, Haru's sense of smell is basically the same as yours, meaning average at best. Stiffly, you clear your throat and watch with confused eyes as the white rabbit completely stops her movements, her ears angrily twitching to the sides.

She sighs, obviously annoyed and you're feeling kind of sorry for the poor soul she's confusing you with.

"I told you all I know, Aisha. What more do you want?"

Wait a damn minute-


"Haru, I don't know how to tell you this," you start, using your most dramatic tone," But I'm not a dog."

At the sound of your voice Haru instantly turns around to face you, a bright expression on her face. You can barely muster up a smile before she throws herself at you, her arms wrapping around your lower torso.

"You're alive!"

You laugh, wheezing because the small rabbit is squeezing the literal air out of your body. "Hooray, I live to see another day! I mean, I couldn't leave you all by yourself now, could I bunbun?"

"What happened?!" She lets go of you, thankfully, and instead grabs your hand to drag you into the shed," You have to tell me everything! And I mean everything! When that wolf got into a fight with Louis after-"

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