Chapter 52 - On the edge

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"You're dealing rather well with the fact that there are a bunch of firearms behind you, sweetie," The mountain lion comments with a mischievous grin, "Especially with your history and a-"

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"You're dealing rather well with the fact that there are a bunch of firearms behind you, sweetie," The mountain lion comments with a mischievous grin, "Especially with your history and a-"

"What the fuck do you want, Val?" Your voice is bitter as you speak, your glare more so a dead stare as you try to swallow the anger you currently harbour towards the older woman. "I'm not in the mood to play your games, got it? So you either get to it or I will fucking leave."

Instantly, her grin falls from her face and normally, you'd be scared by the nearly menacing glint in her golden eyes.

"What's with that attitude, sugar?" Her southern-american accent seems thicker than usual, though this is the first time you've heard her use such a sinister tone. Still, you don't back down, not faltering in the slightest as she instinctively bears parts of her fangs at you, the pearly-white weapons glinting in the light. "I just want to talk. Haven't seen you in quite some time, you know? I care about an oddity like yourself."

"Sure you do," A dry chuckle escapes your throat, "Let me guess, I awakened some kind of maternal instincts within you, is that it?"

"Sort of, ye-"

"Cut the bullshit, lion!" Her eyes widen slightly at your outburst and not even you are sure why you resorted to calling her 'lion'. Maybe it's because the last time a large feline and a fancy sofa were involved, you almost lost your life. Fuck, you're pretty sure you lost the rest of your sanity that night. "You care about me for some sick reason because I could potentially be useful to you! I know the drill by now, so do us both a favour and quit pretending! We both know you don't actually care about me."

For about five whole seconds, you suffocate within the silence. She faces your tired glare with her golden hues, softening her gaze after a single tear runs down your cheek. You're quick to wipe it away, though your eyes remain moist.

"You've gone off the deep end, haven't you, sugar?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Anger prickles beneath your skin, itching to explode and you're barely restraining yourself from brutally scratching at your skin.

"You've been hurt by a lot of people," Valentina's voice is soft as she leans forward, stemming her forearms onto her knees as she holds your gaze captive with hers, "And now you're convinced that's the norm. That everyone else will do the same thing."

"You don't know shit." You growl through gritted teeth, almost shaking with fury. "You don't have a single clue about my life; not this one or the one before that. You have no fucking clue about what I'm going through, no one here does. But obviously, something's wrong with me because everyone that I care about or get close to leaves me. Haru's the only one that's still by my side but who the fuck knows how long that's going to last..."

"You know," You continue, your voice daring to break off at the end, "I thought Legoshi wouldn't leave. But here I am; utterly alone. I don't even know why. So it's my fault, right? I'm the one to blame here. That's how it's always been and that's how it's always going to be. I don't deserve to be saved; I don't deserve to be loved because all I do is hurt people. I'm just a fucking piece of shit that drags everyone down with me."

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