Chapter 21 - A day downtown

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"Y/n...Are you good?"

Giggling hysterically whilst rocking back and forth on your bed, you nod your head more times than necessary.

"Are you sure?" Aisha asks again with a worried gaze, "You've been up since like...4 am."

"And you've been moving around like you're about to give birth," Hinari buds in from the bunk above you. "You're just going into town, what are you so worked up about?"

For probably the twentieth time in the last hour, you stuff your face into your pillow and scream, continuing to sweat like you're trapped in a sauna.

I hate this so much....This is why I don't go out, the anxiety is killing me!

Aisha had been correct about your predicament, although you unwillingly woke up at 3:30 am with an uncomfortable bellyache and your entire bed drenched in cold sweat. Every limb of yours trembled and you're pretty sure that your hands are so cold that you should be clinically dead.

Though technically, you already are, seeing as medical Science doesn't cover being soul-yeeted into another universe.

You're scared, that much you know. It's the same fear that keeps you on edge during presentations, that keeps you from walking with headphones in fear of publicly humiliating yourself by being too uncoordinated to function. Now, it's the same fear that always kept you away from large crowds and places such as the city. Subways, diners or even walking along the sidewalks that are overflowing with people are perfect spots for everything to go wrong and for you to make a fool out of yourself.

It's silly, of course it is, you don't even care that much what other people think of you but for whatever reason, your subconscious really does. The incredibly annoying side effects of being a socially anxious introvert never made situations like these much fun. Shopping with people you liked became a tedious liability, which you later replaced with online shopping. For every day out or large group gathering, you had an excuse up your sleeve. For every minor inconvenience that could potentially happen, you were one step closer to a panic attack.

Still, you couldn't avoid it. The sooner you get that Check-up done and over with, the sooner you can get things done with the carnivores and ultimately be back in the safety of your dorm.

Thus, you leave the dorm with your trusted bag and a stomach full of goddamn centipedes.

The cold morning air sends shivers down your spine, though you enjoy the refreshing breeze. Pink leaves of the nearby Cherry trees weave past you, journeying through the big, unknown world with more bravado than you could ever manage.

You detest the subway just as much as you did in your old world. Although you doubt anyone likes to be squished together with complete strangers in very uncomfortable positions and with absolute disregard of personal space. No one harasses, catcalls or sexually assaults you though, so that's definitely a plus for this fucked up version of Zootopia. Normally, at least one person would 'accidently' touch your chest or try to grope you in some other way.

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