Chapter 77 - media mystery

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(IMPORTANT: Please read the underlined part of the author's note at the end!)

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(IMPORTANT: Please read the underlined part of the author's note at the end!)

You're utterly exhausted.

Ignoring the atrocious amount of shame, embarrassment and possibly even rage, the aftermath of your panic attack is in no way pretty or comfortable. It took nearly half an hour for Doctor Baron to finally reach you inside that troubled head of yours and be able to bring you back to your actual reality, reassuring you that you're save and free from harm. When you came to, both Free and Valentina were gone; the nurse informed you that they had been asked to leave so that you could properly rest.

And it served as a form of punishment for not abiding by the clear set of rules the hospital had informed them of. Despite nurse Jiji's friendly façade, you could tell that she was rather furious with the other two felines for causing you such distress. She and Doctor Baron had assured you that neither Free nor Valentina would be allowed to visit you without another member of medical staff present, simply to ensure your safety.

In your case, you'd like to say you don't blame Val for sending you down nightmare lane yet again, but that would be a lie. The truth is, you're enraged. Despite the shame and embarrassment you feel because the two carnivores had witnessed such a vulnerable, broken side of you, a large part of you feels betrayed by Val's quick disregard of your well-being. You could understand that she probably sought out physical contact with you to ease her own negative feelings, but at the same time, she and Free had been warned about your condition.

Was she really that weak that she couldn't fight off her own instincts just to not put you through more pain than you've already endured?

The first time these thoughts entered your mind, your heart flooded with guilt and dislike for yourself. It's not her fault your mind perceives every not-expected form of physical contact as a threat.

Doctor Baron, a professional in his field, seemingly knew what was going through your mind by your sour expression alone.

"Don't blame yourself, Y/n." He said ever so gently, noting down the dose of painkillers they had given you to deal with your bruised ribs. "You can't control a psychological reaction like that. Your visitors were informed of your current state and advised not to touch you without your clear consent. The hospital is partially to blame as well. We've had cases like this before, yet they fail time and time again to invest in more security guards or supervisors to prevent this from happening, no matter how often I tell them to."

You had thanked him with a half-baked smile and a shrug. Now, nearly ten minutes later and entirely empty of adrenaline, you're lazily sitting in your bed with your gaze enchanted by the sunset. Being more than just tired is no help when it comes to resisting the urge to fall asleep in the warm, cosy golden light of the sunset.

It's silent in the room, nothing but the ticking of the clock keeping you company. For once, you're not annoyed by it, rather taking in the slow, peaceful stillness that tended to leave you alone when you had wished for it in the past.

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