Chapter 7 - Glorious Donuts

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I don't want to wake up

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I don't want to wake up.

I wasn't even asleep. Urgh...I just want to be a shell, then I don't have to wake up or sleep. Ever.

Unfortunately, the grey wolf would not get his wish.


Bright light streamed in through the opened curtains of his bunk bed, Collot's smiling face directly in front of him.

"You can't just sleep the day away, you know? Rise and shine, Mr. Scary face."

Playfully, the sheepdog pulls at his fur and begins to drag him out of bed. Everyone else in canine room 701 is already getting ready, Miguno and Jack are putting on their uniforms whilst Durham exits the bathroom and Voss merely sits on the edge of his bed, planning world domination.

Durham chuckles, "Legoshi, something tells me that you didn't study for the math test today either, huh?"


"Well, I sure know that feeling."

"Hurry up and get changed, Legoshi," Collot commands but Jack knows immediately that his friend is troubled. To be fair though, it's not hard to miss, the grey wolf looks like depression personified, just with a cute fluffy tail to sweeten the deal.

No, something's wrong. His mood is even darker today.

Concerned, the retriever Labrador stares at his roommate and best friend. Said best friend however, is too focused on his reflection to notice. The longer he stares, the more he remembers the darkness that took a hold of him last night.

His face in the mirror is a reminder of the horror he almost committed.

Meanwhile, in canine room 207, our beautiful reader is also about to wake up.

As Daisy the Shiloh Shepherd rips the blanket off of your face, you groan and curl in on yourself in an attempt to stay warm and asleep. Unfortunately, the girls won't let you.

"C'mon Y/n, get your lazy butt out of bed," Eden says from across the room, already putting on her uniform.

"But my butt likes the bed," you mumble, face squished into your pillow, "And I have to agree with it, the butt always knows best."

"Wow, I didn't think you'd be such a philosopher in the morning," Hinari the Shiba-Inu comments, poking her head down from the bunk above yours, "You should write a poetry book."

"Nah, I'm too broke for that."

Aisha, who just finished brushing her teeth, giggles at your reply. "Technically, you're too broke for anything."

"I hear nothing but the truth."

"Alright, I've had enough of this," Daisy complaints and grabs your feet. With a strong pull, you're ripped out of bed and onto the cold floor.

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