Chapter 72 - 5:48 am

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Opening your eyes seems like an almost impossible task; the shrill ringing in your ears drowning out any other noise around you

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Opening your eyes seems like an almost impossible task; the shrill ringing in your ears drowning out any other noise around you.

Your entire body aches, pain spreading through every single one of your limbs. Not daring to move, you slowly blink to the best of your abilities to get rid of your blurry vision, fatigue and dizziness weighing you down. All you want to do is close your eyes and got back to sleep, but the rush of adrenaline in your system makes it hard to ignore your surroundings. Much less ignore the scorching pain coming from your leg, though the sensation varies between utter agony and total numbness.

Nausea shoots through your body, the urge to vomit getting harder and harder to ignore, all the while a massive headache stabs through your head. Finally seeing the world in front of you clearer than before, the edges of the dark shapes still slightly blurry, you try to fight your way through the confusion.

What the hell happened?

It takes a long moment, but finally, your memories of what had occurred return to you.

Masago, the cage, the guard. The dead driver. The crash.

It's all hazy and you're pretty sure you're missing some key components but frankly, you're sure that you have bigger problems right now. The back of your head feels warm and you faintly remember the hitting your head before your world turned dark.

Slowly and with a wince at the movement, you lift your hand to touch the back of your head, withdrawing them once they come into contact with a hot, wet substance. With growing panic, you bring them forward to look at them, your breath painfully hitching at the sight of your fingers covered in crimson.


I'm bleeding from the head. Great.


Subsequently, you decide to not move unless necessary. Feeling like your thoughts move in slow motion, the ringing in your ears slowly moving into the background and letting you take in the terrifying silence, you stare at the grey wall in front of you, not strong or brave enough to sneak a glance at your leg.

You had landed on your left side after the impact, leaving you to stare at the interior of the car and the damaged steel rods of your once spacious cage. And while that meant you could probably escape this metal confinement, you know deep down that any movement on your part would be utterly stupid. Your ribs are most definitely bruised, that much you're sure of. After all, it feels like a stab in the chest every time you breathe.

Honestly, you're wondering if your friends will even recognise you at this point after everything that's happened. Ignoring your lost finger and this incident, the last time you had looked into a mirror, you almost got scared of yourself.

Because whilst you had barely reached adulthood, you definitely look older than you actually are and not in a good way. It's probably due to all the stress; after all, you also found a couple of grey hairs on your head. If your life continues the way it is now, you'll be looking like a grandma by the time you reach twenty-five.

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