Chapter 9 - Thorns

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What the hell are they doing in there?

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What the hell are they doing in there?

Aggressively, you rip the thorns from the roses, each as red as your own blood. You're not sure how many he actually needs, but you rather give him a little less than too much. If he needs some more, then you'll get to see him again and a small part of your heart flutters at that thought.

Since when do I get the hots for an animal? Who am I even kidding, like it would ever work out between a human and an anthropomorphic wolf. Our worlds are just too different.

Your handling of the thorns grows more and more violent, your face turns into a childish scowl.

I'm not even an option, not with everyone I'd be "competing" against. least I can do the normal thing for teenagers and daydream about it, right? There's nothing wrong with that.

With tense hands, you pause your task and your expression eases up into a somber smile. Fluffy, careless white clouds meet your gaze when you look up to the sky and its lively blue colour calms you a little.

It wouldn't be bestiality or necessarily wrong if I were to be in a romantic or sexual relationship with an animal; after all, they're sentient now and actually have the ability to consent, unlike the animals of my world. They're more so humans with animal appearances. Seeing as hybrids are a thing in this world and they have no biological disadvantages, quite the contrary actually, even having children wouldn't be a problem.

Almost dramatically, you sigh and slouch over, letting your head hang.

Why am I even thinking about this? I know for a fact that my chances for romance are basically zero! C'mon Y/n! Stop being a weirdo and get that handsome wolf out of your head, it'll do you no good!

You clench your fists and grit your teeth, unaware of the thorny rose still in your left hand. However, you're so lost in your thoughts that you don't notice the pain or the red drops of blood falling to the floor.

"I'm here to study and survive," you say sternly to yourself, "Nothing else. Who needs romance anyways, right? I'm better off alone, like always."

Only as you unclench your fists and let the rose fall to the ground do you realize the damage you've done. You cry out in pain and raise your now bloody hand to inspect the small wounds.

Somehow, you managed to get three thorns stuck in your hand and two other thorn-punctures. Your hand stings and you clench your jaw to keep from crying, both from emotional and physical pain. Of course this had to happen because you cannot have one day without injuring yourself!

Wincing as you hold your hand under the water and clean off the blood, endless strings of profanity leave your mouth. At least you got the bleeding to stop because, although you kind of trust the wolf, you're not stupid enough to spill a lot of blood around a carnivore.

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