Chapter 69 - Project alpha

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Is this who I am? Is this what I represent?!

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Is this who I am? Is this what I represent?!

The fact that your boyfriend is crossdressing and you find it strangely attractive is definitely an eye-opening experience. Not to mention how unfair it is that he can wear whatever the hell he wants and apparently still be hot, whilst you feel like a potato in most articles of clothing. Though you're pretty sure a dark red dress would've suited his grey complexion better than the soft pink one he is currently wearing.

Instantly, your mind thinks back to the meteor festival and how Juno basically stole the show with her gown.

What's up with grey wolves looking insanely good in red?!

Your new drink arrives at the same time that Louis addresses the lion behind you in a stern voice. "Ibuki."


"Leave us."

"G-Got it!" Stammering, the big beast turns on his heels to the door, his mind racing at the new revelation.

He's got a wide stroke zone! Should've expected as much from our boss!

Mindlessly sighing as Legoshi's tail begins to wag happily, a slight spurge of territorial jealousy sparking in your heart when he solely addresses Louis. "Senpai...I'm so happy."

Not going to lie, his falsetto voice freaks me out.

"Shut up." The stag groans as he face plants onto the surface of the bar, probably questioning every single one of his life choices that led him to this moment. The wolf inconspicuously, but still rather obviously, lets his eyes flicker between you and the herbivore; he's most likely wondering why Louis didn't tell you to leave as well. You don't blame him for being reserved, seeing as both your appearance and your scent are disguised.

The synthetic tail swishes behind you, reacting to the chemical impulses in your neurons. Frankly, it shouldn't have come as a surprise to you that such a thing exists, seeing as even back in your world inventions like brain-powered cat ears were loved on the market. And you can imagine that, due to the obvious segregation between carnivores and herbivores and the stigma both of these groups hold in society, many individuals have developed some sort of fetish for the opposite group or use cosplays like your own as a form to escape the gruesome reality they have to face each day.

I mean, look at Louis. He's definitely the type of guy to be into this sort of power play. Not sure if he'd need the costume and all but he has a carnivore fetish for sure. Even if it's just because of his obvious inferiority complex and need for power and control.

Clinking against the glass of your non-alcoholic beverage, your metallic claws, which are connected to a pair of obsidian-black gloves, gleam in the dim light as you ponder whether or not you should say something and let Legoshi know that it's actually you beneath your disguise.

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