Chapter 67 - I promise

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(Please read author's note at the end!)

Cosmo had stayed only two more hours before one of the lions had to drive her home. And while you're anxiety worsened at the thought of being in the Shishigumi hideout on your own, you knew you couldn't dwell on your fear forever. One way or another, you'll have to confront it. That's how life works after all.

The Okapi bid you farewell with a surprise-hug and thankfully, she was in no way offended when you froze up and didn't return it. You don't know how to describe it but the mere idea of being touched by someone sends immediate chills down your spine. All you can think about is the blood on your hands and the pain coursing through your body when that serpent's teeth broke through the skin on your thigh. The sensation that filled your veins back then, the utterly devastating fear of death, still lingered in your mind.

You were pretty much left to your own devices until dinner and you spent that time by wandering through the halls. While you had been here two times before, you never had the chance to actually explore or take in the building's miraculous design. And even though the memories that tended to resurface during your stroll were anything but pleasant, you also noticed that it took quite a bit of fear away from your heart.

What had been a terrible reminder of your humiliating kidnapping and almost fatal fight with the Chief lion is now a simple room stylized to resemble traditional japanese interior design.

So in a sense, you simply replaced terrible memories with other horrible ones. It wasn't liberation, just a change in regent.

Entering the dining hall, you find that all the other lions are already seated and only Louis seems to be absent. Reluctantly sitting down in the only available seat in between Free and Agata, you had been properly introduced to all the members earlier, you remain quiet and keep your gaze mostly locked onto the wooden table. You don't really have an appetite, despite your body's need for nutrition to speed up your recovery. The limp in your leg is absolutely annoying, not to mention the fact that your left hand just refuses to stop shaking. Even though the tremors are small, they're still very noticeable, at least to you.

The older males talk about things you have no knowledge over, a bellowing laugh coming from Free on your left as he leans over your seat to cackle at Agata. As a response, you lean further back, your body and brain still on edge after what you've gone through. Loud noises like this aren't helping either. You swallow the thick lump that forms in your throat, your heart heavy as your mind travels back to your school.

I miss them...

This is so foreign and surreal. I just want to go back to Cherryton and eat lunch with Juno and Haru and make jokes with Pina. But I think out of everyone, I miss Legoshi the most. Fuck, I can't even imagine what they must be thinking right now. I mean, I've been missing for about two days, right?

They must be devastated. I just hope I can sort this out before Legoshi has his fight with Riz; New Year's eve is still a few days away after all. He's already a reckless idiot, I don't even want to imagine what he'll do if he thinks I'm dead.

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