Chapter 34 - In the lion's den

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This is awful

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This is awful.

"I mean, I arranged that blackout for a reason. Do you really think this is enough for the boss' dinner?"

Thanks to these jerks, I lost my shoe.

Truly a disaster. I want a goddamn refund on my luck.

"We did our best. Humans are impossible to find, especially a female."

"Hey, face up!" Suddenly, a rough hand grips your hair and yanks your head up, forcing you to look them in the eyes. You refuse to let the yelp of pain escape your throat, rather opting to focus on the three males in front of you. No matter how much you want to, you refrain from glaring at them; making them angry won't help you survive in the slightest. Even though you'd gladly roast the hell out of the motherfucker who decided to wear an orange tie to a blue suit.

"From what I hear, human meat is out of this world," a lion snickers, his dark mane swept back and a small pair of round sunglasses on his large nose, "You're going to be a delicious dinner!"

Adrenaline rushes through your body as a primal fear takes control of you. When faced with danger, the human body chooses between three options; Fight, Flight or Freeze. In those times, your fundamental instincts decide for you.

None the wiser, your brain favours flight.

If you had control over your limbs, you'd have chosen to stay right where you are, working on an escape plan. However, you and your brain rarely see eye to eye and at the very second your eyes land on the huge mahogany door, it's too late for you to win against it.

With a growl, you rip yourself free from the lion's grip and leap over the teal couch. The felines are close behind you as you sprint to the door, desperately praying that it's unlocked.

Unfortunately, your bad luck hasn't run out yet.

When you slam against the door and it doesn't budge despite your strongest pull or push on the handle, your head's already moving at lightning speed to find another way to freedom. A cry of surprise escapes you when a fancy knife lodges itself into the wood, its polished blade maliciously glinting back at you.

You feel their presence behind you before you see them. Hands wrap themselves around your ankles and pull you down just as your own take a hold of the knife and yank it out. Hitting the floor beneath the lion in the blue suit, you manoeuvre yourself onto your back whilst you feel his hands wandering up your legs.

With the fury of a mad woman and a banshee-like screech, you strike.

Red coats the blade as he yells in pain. To your dismay, he had moved back enough to escape a fatal attack but you can't help the smirk that grows on your lips when you see the blood gushing out of his eye. With his other one, he glares at you and bares his fangs.

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