Chapter 14 - When boys get sticks

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Forlorn silence dominates the room as you and the majority of the drama club stand around the bed of the unconscious red deer

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Forlorn silence dominates the room as you and the majority of the drama club stand around the bed of the unconscious red deer. The desolate darkness around you doesn't help to lift the mood either; the sun had set a little while ago and left you with the small lamp besides the bed as your only source of light.

You stand next to Legoshi on the left side of the bed, if you were to look at it from Louis' perspective, with your arms crossed over your chest in hopes of suppressing the goose bumps forming on your skin. The room is cold but only you seem to care about that; you're the only one without fur or feathers after all.

When your disheartened gaze settled onto Louis' stiff, unmoving form beneath the stale white sheets of the medical bed, you notice how dead he looked. The only thing indicating that he isn't already gone is the barely noticeable rise and fall of his diaphragm.

All eyes are focused on the male, hoping that he'll wake up soon.

And as if someone answered your prayers, the deer finally stirs and struggles to sit up. He groans in discomfort, clearly disoriented from his fall.

"Louis!" Sanu exclaims, which is promptly followed by an echo of the deer's name by everyone present. You remain quiet, instead releasing a shaky sigh of relief.

All this stress cannot be good for my heart, right?

"What did...Wait! I remember," Slowly, the deer regains his composure and memory, "What about the audience?!"

It's silent again and only the president seems stable enough to answer. "Don't worry, you collapsed after the curtain was fully shut. They didn't see anything at all."

Louis exhales in relief, "Okay."

"You gave us all quite the scare by the way," You decide to cut in, "What were you thinking, you idiot? To perform whilst being so badly injured?"

He stays silent, seemingly too stunned by your concern for him to form an answer.

"Anyway, it's eight o'clock at night, the medical team checked you out and according to them, you broke your left leg," Bill informs him bluntly, "Looks like that means you won't be able to take the stage for tomorrow's performance."

"Bill, please!"

"What? What good is it to hide the truth? Especially for Louis."

"Yes, but even so!"

Honestly, you have no idea what they're going on about. Bill delivered the news honestly, there's no need to sugar-coat it, especially for someone like Louis. It would only upset him further, you reckon. You watch from the side-lines, as quiet as ever, as the rest bombard Louis with questions and whether or not the show could go on now. With every drop of pity, you can see the deer tensing up further and further as the frustration at his weak state overcomes him.

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