Chapter 18 - little Harlequin

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"Just like last year, we were invited to participate in the Harbour's festival of the meteor!"

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"Just like last year, we were invited to participate in the Harbour's festival of the meteor!"

Loud cheering echoes through the drama club, mostly by the actors and dance teams. Sanu, the ever-friendly pelican, holds up a colourful poster, which you assume is for the festival he just mentioned. A large, fiery meteor is on it, surrounded by stars, planets and a volcano.

Certainly an interesting choice for a festival.

"Of course we plan to accept," he continues.

"That's awesome," Sheila cheers, excited for the upcoming event, "We get to roam around town without an outing permit again this summer! How cool!"

"Now, remember guys, this isn't for fun! We're going there to help out with the festival." What follows is even more cheering and you wince at the annoying, loud noise. To be perfectly honest, you don't understand the appeal behind the festival, nor the city.

Cities always mean a lot of people, a lot of crowds and a lot of social confrontation. Not to mention, the air is bad as hell and there's most likely a high chance you'll run into an unpleasant person. You want to avoid the crowds and the presence of the scientists as much as possible, so you aren't exactly fond of the idea. But you'd have to go along with it.

All whilst studying for more exams....yay.

You sit in between the wolf and the anteater with the rest of the stage crew by the mirrors, with your legs stretched out in front of you. Your ankles are crossed, to avoid any accidental glimpses of your underwear underneath your uniform.

"Looks like the art department is going to be busy this year," Dom announces, as unamused as everyone else, "Why don't we discuss it in the storage room?"

In solidarity with the others, you sigh unpleasantly.

The last time you were in the storage room had been the day that you had cut yourself on a piece of metal. Said cuts had healed over the weeks, just like the claw marks on your arm and the injuries from the roses; miraculously you had managed to not get yourself injured again. The memory of the daunting experience with the metal lingers in your mind as you pass through the smaller room stacked with shelves and boxes into one as large as a warehouse.

It's brighter in here, thanks to the open ceiling windows that shines natural light onto the giant sculptures. You gasp in awe as you look at them for the first time.

Are those dinosaurs?! This is so fucking cool!

In your head, the Jurassic Park theme begins to play and without noticing, you hum along as your lips turn into a childish grin. Legoshi, being gifted with exceptional senses, obviously notices the small tune coming from your lips but he doesn't recognize it. Though even when he turns his head back to the peafowl, one of his ears is turned into your direction and secretly listening to you.

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