Chapter 13 - A broken Adler

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"Okay, what's wrong with her?"

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"Okay, what's wrong with her?"

"I don't know, she's never been this cheerful in the morning. Then again, we've only known her for about a week."

"Please, someone make it stop!"

"Seriously, she's creeping me out," Daisy whispers, huddled together with the rest of the female dogs of canine room 207. All of their eyes are trained on you,  petrified looks on their faces.

You're humming, dancing around the dorm as you get ready. Your eyes are closed in blissful peace and a content smile adorns your lips.

"Come on girls, we need to get going, or else we'll be late! Hurry up, we don't want to miss out on such a beautiful day!"

Your smile is blinding, your white uniform seems to glow brighter than usual and your glittering pools of e/c are almost inspiring.

This morning, you had been the first to wake up and the first to get ready. Whilst everyone else was still half asleep as usual, you had done an entire 180° in your behaviour, dancing around the room with a lively bounce in your step.

"Is she sick or something?"

"Maybe it's a human thing...." Aisha suggested, or more so hoped.

Later on, the five of you arrive in the cafeteria and you're still as gleeful as one can be in the morning. Truthfully, it's frightening to anyone who had ever interacted with you.

Except for one person, who cannot seem to get enough of your bright face.

"Good morning, Legoshi!" You greet the wolf, sheepishly rubbing the back of your neck as you ask for the names of his roommates, not wanting to exclude them. They introduce themselves as Voss the Fennec Fox, Collot the Sheep-Dop, Miguno the spotted Hyena, Durham the Coyote and Jack the Labrador-Retriever; it's obvious though, that Jack and Legoshi have been friends the longest.

The girls watch you banter with the wolf from a distance, you keeping the conversation alive for the tall wolf. Their expressions display their perplexed confusion at your sudden change of behaviour, until Aisha's lips turn into a wicked grin.

"Girls, I think I know what's going on here," she teases in a sly voice.

"Really? What is it?" Eden asks and the Greyhound nods towards the odd pair with wiggling eyebrows.

"Ohhhh," they coo and giggle, earning a confused glance as you return from the group of males.

"Did I miss something?"

Hinari laughs softly before shrugging, "Nope, nothing. Come on, let's get breakfast."

At the mention of food, you follow obediently.


"Are you sure it's a good idea to introduce me now of all times? I mean, everyone's got their hands full with the performance later."

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