CHAPTER NINE- part two

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After a whole day of heart tense events, i finally got the relaxation i needed. The feeling of look warm water purring down my skin from my bathroom shower had my tense muscles relax. But that was not enough to calm the weight of the stress in my mind.

There was the part about how much i hate myself for hurting Damon, the sight of him on that hospital bed had triggered a deep wound inside of me. I do not know how long he is going to spend in there, Faye said he would be okay in a week, which means he might still be unconscious for a couple more days before he can start any serious medication on the road to recovery.

But that is the thing. A week is more than enough for him to loose all his dreams of studying in NYU, he might get replaced before he even wakes up and that would crush him completely. The worse part is that every thing is my fault.

And on top all of that, i could not help the sensational feeling inside of me. How can a guy i just met barely an hour ago have this much effect on me? I kept on thinking about the kiss, how he had held me so tightly to him but yet with a gentile grip. How he skillfully caressed my tongue with his. How good he had made me feel within seconds of being with him. It was not like me to go around kissing random strangers but i could not help myself.

It was an indescribable feeling of need. Even now that i am far away from him, i felt like the need to see him again and there was no doubt in my mind that we would meet again, whatever the circumstances might be. Preferably next time i would not be looking like a crazy lady running from a wild cat.

I was attracted to a man i just met and knew absolutely nothing about, other than the intense blue of his compelling eyes, but i wanted to know more, i wanted to uncover every bit of him. And that is a huge problem considering what happened earlier. He mentioned that, that man Ethan Lockwood was his father, but what did not add up was their last names.

I leaned my head on the tiled wall of the bathroom, tiered of stressing my brain too much about it as the water washed down the remaining soap from my body. I had more important things to think about. For starters, how to get this thing out of me.

I'd had enough of the nightmares, hallucinations, waking up in the middle of nowhere all the fucking time, the deaths, and most of all, i never wanted to hurt anyone i cared about ever again. So i made up my mind, i was going to get this thing out of me even if it was the last thing i do.

I got out of the bathroom and searched my wardrobe for something to wear then checked my phone to find three missed calls from Faye and two from Ming.

Ming. I have not really spent much time with her lately, i have been so caught up in my own mess that i forget to call her just to see how she has been doing, it makes me feel awful now thinking about it. She does not even know anything about what has been going on and i hope she does not find out. I do not want to drag her into my mess and i have to stay away from her till i figure out how to get this thing out of me.

My phone went ringing again and at first i was going to ignore, but then when i looked at the callers ID and saw a number i did not expect to see, i let out a deep breath and answered the call.

"Hey" my voice was strained, i did not really know why she was calling, she hardly ever called these days. We used to be really close at a time, she always told me she adored me and hoped i and her brother would end up together one day, back in eleventh grade when i and Damon were still just best buds.

"Dian?" Damon's little sister Flora said over the phone. Her voice coming off shallow, too shallow.

"Yeah what's up?"

"Have you seen him?"

"Are you crying?" I asked instead she sounded like she had been crying and i did not like the sound of it. Flora is a strong girl, but when it comes to her brother she could go through any length, that was how much she loved him.

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