CHAPTER THIRTEEN- Frozen in guilt

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It was like i was completely frozen. Nothing made sense anymore, the clouds were darker and full of terror, my mind was a fog of guilt and so much more, the only thing that i could see was the body of the man who had a wonderful smile, a man who had served me his mothers pasta recipe, sat me close to a fire because i was cold, served me coffee and listened to a stranger pour out all the weird shit she had gotten herself into and still offered help. The only thing i could see was that magnificent human being lying dead on the floor in a pool of his own blood.

The only words i could hear in my head were 'I killed her', 'if you truly wish to save the people you care about Dianna you would do the same.' That even when my best friend kept on talking to me, i could not make out a single word of what she was saying. I was on the verge of giving up, i was just this close to letting go. Maybe if i killed myself no one would have to suffer not maybe.

I had been the exact same way i was when Ming found me, except i was no longer shedding any tears, they had dried on me.

The moment Ming received my call, she phoned her dad immediately and that was something i was trying to avoid. With all the drama she's been entangled in with her family, the last thing she needs right now is to be involving any of them, but what other option did any of us have?

Even though he is not completely supportive to her educational decisions, he still loves her and sends her financial support when the rest of her family cut her off, but that was not enough reason for her to phone him in the middle of the night - i have no idea what time it would have been in Asia- and ask him to fly down to Randall to get her and still come pick me up for a reason still unknown to him. But as a man who would do precisely anything for his children, he did without question, but now i don't know... i think the questions are driving him crazy.

They were both shook when they found me lying beside a dead old man inside a messy underground bunker with loads and loads of old paper work. Ming was shaking continuously, afraid to touch me, her eyes were swollen with pent up tears. Mean while her dad was frantic and in desperate need of an explanation of in his words -'what the fuck is going on.'- let me rephrase that 'what the fuck is going on Mingfen!? what are you getting yourself into?'.

If i was not in the traumatic state i was i would have laughed at the way he pronounced the word 'fuck'. I'll give it to a man that is literally one of the richest men in the world with multiple companies all around the world and has traveled more places than i have ever dreamt, his accent was magnificent, he did not even sound a little bit Asian, but the accent was still strong on that word.

Like i said before, i don't know how they do it but rich people have a way of maneuvering things to the way they see fit. All john Lee had to do was make a few phone calls and that was it. All he said was that it would be fine and everything was already taken care of.

I don't know what they did to George's body, or how it was handled, and i most definitely did not know what he meant by 'every thing has already been taken care of' but i could not even duel much on anything. Whenever i tried to think, all that i see is the paleness of the blue in his eyes, and then that warm smile he'd shared even when he threatened to kill me, and then all that beauty transforms into the warmness of his lifeless hands on mine. It transforms to nothingness in a pool of his own blood.

My best friend had been trying to get me to talk but all that left my lips were faint fain sounds of my breathing. We were currently on a plane back home, scratch that, the lee private jet. I had never ridden on first class before, not to mention a private jet. I mean, my first ever flight was only just merely some hours ago. I did not even have it in me to admire the interiors or anything else like i usually do, i just sat there frozen to my seat.

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