CHAPTER EIGHTEEN- Freeze your flame

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My best friends looked at me like i had completely lost my mind. Faye sat up and looked deeply at me as if searching for some kind of a sign that i was telling a joke and Ming's eyes were wide in terror.

"Don't you dare think about it." Faye was the first to speak, standing fully more alert than she was before.

"It's the only way." I said with my head high, confident about my decision.

In all honesty, I do not want to die. I was not ready to leave the world yet, for fucks sake I'm only nineteen! I haven't gotten to see the world yet. There are so many things I want to do, so much more of life that i wanted to experience, but if letting that go meant i could protect the people that i care about and every other female out there... Possibly even the world? Then yes i would give up my life if it meant no one else has to suffer anymore. No one else has to lose a child, or a girlfriend, or a wife. I would set myself down for others to find a reason to live.

"It's not going to happen!" she declared.

" Faye...."

" No okay? Just no! It can't happen, I won't let it happen!"

" Is that why you tried to kill your self?" Ming asked sounding like she was about to choke. I nodded slowly, agreeing to her question. " Oh my God!" She placed her hand over her mouth with a light gasp.

"You tried to kill your self?" Faye asked surprised. I gulped, refusing to say anything, but my silence already gave her the answer she was looking for.

She let out an audible exhale. Looking like she could not believe what she was hearing. "There has to be another way." Faye started pacing around with her fingers massaging her forehead like she was having a migraine while biting on one side of her bottom lip. "We just have to think."

"There is no other way Faye." I stated "once I'm dead, she would not be able to use my body for anything anymore. I'll be useless and demons can't walk the earth without a host."

" And what makes you think it would not dive right into someone else's body and continue what it already started?"

She had a point. I had never actually thought about that before.

"There has to be another way Dian, I know it."

I sighed and leaned my head back against the wall "so what do you propose i should do?"

She sat back down on the ground beside me with a heavy sigh. "We would figure it out. I know we will."

I scoffed " when? After a dozen more people have died and it already gets away with what it wants?"

I closed my eyes trying to think but nothing came up. Faye was right. If i died there is a ninety nine percent possibility that it might just jump right into another body and my death would be in vain.

"Dian look at me." Ming finally spoke after some time and i obeyed " i want you to tell me exactly what happens to you. Every thing you are feeling and can see."

" The heat" was the first thing i said. I felt it every damn time. It was consuming and repulsive to everyone i touch. I felt it when my friend hugged me, when Faye touched me I felt it. The only time i never payed attention to the Burning flame inside me was when I was around Damien.

Being close to him made me forget all about the troubles that swarm my mind and thoughts, and all i can think about is the addictive smell of his cologne. The appealing sound of his masculine voice and the sweet feeling of his touch.

I told my best friend all about the differences I had been feeling ever since the accident. I told her about every thing the kind old man said to me and about how this demon was trying to take over my body just the same way it took over his mother's about eighty years ago or so.

She paused to think for a little while before getting up on her feet after hearing my whole story.

"Where are you going?" I asked, watching her as she was about to leave the room.

"Give me a minute."

But i followed her out, curious to know what she was up to. She walked into the living room and stopped in front of her cousin who was busy typing something into his computer with one hand and a lit cigarette on the other. We watched as he pulled the substance to his mouth and inhaled, letting out a puff of visible smoke right after.

"Jaime?" Ming's voice came out soft, light as an angel with a hint of innocence.

He looked up at her, put down his cigarette on an ash tray and closed his computer, giving her his complete attention. A small playful grin formed on his lips when he confessed.

"I didn't think you were going to come out soon, you guys seem to have a very serious conversation in there."

That statement had my throat tight and wondering, 'did Jaime hear everything we were discussing? Anything at all?' my heart was thumping in my chest as he shot me a suspicious glance.

"Don't worry. I'm not nosey." My senses relaxed a little bit after hearing that. "I guess I got caught then" he pulled up his hands. "Guilty " but the sheepish grin on his lips showed that he was nothing remotely close to being guilty.

I could not remember the last time Ming had an asthma attack. It was a really long time ago but she still never fails to carry her inhaler around her where ever she went just in case of an emergency. Which is why Jaime promised not to light a smoke in their home ever again. 'At least not around her'.

"I'm just going to pretend I didn't see it at all." Ming stated not really caring about what he does and doesn't with his lungs. "That's not what i came here to talk to you about."

"What is it?" Jamie asked.

" I need a favor." Her cousin crossed his arms over his chest and lifted a brow at her.

"Favor huh?"

She bent down so they were both the same height level and gave him the cutest eyes anyone could muster.

"I need bags." She said sweetly. She looked so innocent as she tried to convince her favorite person to do her bidden. "Ice bags. Four would be sufficient for me. Don't ask me what I'm going to do with it. You owe me and I'm not taking any thing from you but i need you to please go out there and get me four ice bags, from your credit card of course" the grin on his lips disappeared while hers grew. " And oh!.... I need to use your tub too, hope that's okay." Her grin turned into an innocent smile as she looked down at him. "You have to be quick. This is really important."

Without allowing him to speak, she disappeared into her bed room and left us both stunned. 'Such an innocent devil my friend is'. I grinned and looked at Jaime, answering his confused gaze with a shrug before following Ming's trails.

She was talking with Faye when I got into the room.

"What do you plan on doing with all those ice bags?"

Her answer came really fast and confident when she spoke. "You have been feeding this thing far too much of what it wants."

" What does that mean?"

" I'm going to freeze your flame."

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