CHAPTER FOUR- dead blonde

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I had been here before. This dark, empty and plain room, I know it, I just don't remember when or how to get out. In a reiterative motion, I kept walking through the same root over and over again seeking for an exit or an entrance, but as I already knew, there was none. 

I fell down on my knees, out of options on what i should do.

And like an echo in my ears was that same voice, the one that had me slightly shimmering and fidgeting in fear. The one that hunted my dreams night after night calling out to me an repeating that there was no one coming to save me.

Phytologically I would appear mentally unstable with the way I kept on twisting my head around and looking for the owner of the voice in my head but to no avail.

"Where are you?" My voice echoed in the darkness, sounding like a thousand drums being fed with the insecurities of a scared child, "why are you always in my head?! Who are you?!"

Still nothing.

"Please help me out! " The frustration was getting the best out of me but I refused to give up. I refused to give in to the ignominious feeling that out weighed my shoulders and stud up to my feet even though I still got nothing.

From a far distance I could see a little reflection of light, so I followed it. Counting my steps in caution, I kept walking until the light was close enough to a visible point of view that I could make out the image before me. 

There was no light. It was a gleam of burning fire.

I stopped with a hook in my throat, my eyes widening in disbelief, star strucked at the vision in front of me.

A woman laid before me, covered in a pool of her own blood right there on the ground. Dead!

In front of her was some kind of creature. The same creature that i had seen in Faye's fairy tale book, the dark creature with bone wings and large claws. I could feel my skin burning, my insides heating up but strangely my body enjoyed the heat.

I'd gotten a new sense of caution around myself, feeling oddly frightened and yet bold enough to keep moving closer. The sounds of crunching and chewing was clearer now the closer I got. But then it stopped. I could see the woman's face now she was blonde and pale and covered in blood.

I pulled my hand over my mouth feeling a huge wave of nausea. My legs were shaking but instead of being scared and running off -not that i know where i could run to- ,i kept on going closer. Taking little steps until it turned around causing me to stop at my tracks.

My eyes widened and I stud there motionless, watching this creature stare right back at me and into my eyes. The scar lined from it's right brows stretching down below It's eyes brought one though clouding my mind.

Faye was right.

I never thought i would actually be saying this but Faye's theory about this creature might be right and i felt bad for assuming it was just the make belief of a troubled mind. But now looking at it, the memory hit me like a hurricane. It was the same creature i had seen the day i blacked out.

That same black skin, heavy clawed fingers, the scar, and the eyes! tick blood red eyes peircing into mine as I watched the blood covered teeth reveal themselves and stretch into a terrifying smile.

"Remember now?"

I woke up panting like a hunter begin chased by a wild cat. My chest hurt, and I feel like I was burning in the inside. I always felt like I was burning inside.

I pulled my hand up my chest to support my breathing only to feel something warm and moist on my skin. My hands were damp and when I looked at them I could not help the sound of terror that escaped my lips.

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