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Let me tell you something about plane flights. They are a fucking nerve wrecker, pointer for those my fellow youths that have never been on one before. The take off nearly killed me i am telling you! You should have seen how tightly i was holding on to the arm rest of my seat, or how the old lady with her granddaughter sitting beside me kept on giving me the freaky eyes like i had multiple mushrooms on my head, coupled with the usual amused head shaking. I think i might be cursed with being around old ladies.

I did not expect it to be so terrifying, it was just a plane right? No harm could come from that... but i was completely wrong. By the time we were balanced in the sky, i felt like there was a large nut in my stomach and the fact that i only had four hours and thirty minutes time of sleep was not helping my situation at all.

I had intentionally set my phone alarm to go off an hour before my supposed time of departure, not wanting cross paths with anyone while i was leaving and most importantly, did not want to have that talk with my dad.

So, i left him a note apologizing for having to leave so early in the morning before he could get to see me and thanked him again for letting me stay the night.

He probably would have tried or at least wanted to call me if i am sure i know him well enough at all, but that would not work out considering he does not even have my phone number and i am glad he did not.

I wandered how mum was doing. After the weird incident last night at the living room she looked so fragile, i do not even know if she remembers what i told her about leaving town. And what scared me the most was that i had almost blacked out in front of her. I almost let it out and i could have hurt her. I still do not understand how i was able to get over it but i was just glad i did.

I had spent most of the eleven hour flight dozing like a log of wood in a very uncomfortable sitting position until the intercom interrupted my painful bliss by announcing our arrival. I had just carried a sore face down with me, my neck hurt like a muther fucker and the old lady would not stop giving me the goddamn freaky eye!

'Suck it up old hag! I'm sleep deprived and fucking hungry, of course i don't look pretty! Keep looking at me and amma pluck off your eye balls!'

I shot her the finger and her eyes widened, her lips curved down to a frown as she glared at me. One of her hands went to cover the eyes of the little girl looking cluelessly between us.

And now i was standing in the city of Rome with cars zooming past my ears, the wind causing havoc on my hair, extremely tall buildings and a bunch of commercial bill boards programmed in Italian.

There were so many places i wanted to visit. For starters, The Pantheon, Roman forum, San Givani in Leterano and The Trevi fountain. Mostly The Trevi fountain, but that was not what i came here for and the faster i get to my root, the better for me. So i let all thoughts of visiting any tourist places go down the drain as i plotted my next move. And let me tell you... shit is not easy.

I was walking around aimlessly on the busy streets trying to ask people for directions only for them to look at me like i was carrying a baby kangaroo in my belly. Might have had to do with the fact that they do not understand English.

You see the thing is, when i got into this taxi to stop me at the place the internet told me this so called Guvol library of whatever it is called, i was not thinking at all. And now i was being held back because i had only two dollar bills on me and the driver could not understand a single word of English i was speaking. Talk about embarrassment!

I probably would have spent my whole day right there trying to reason with him if it were not for the young lady that suddenly came over with a small frown on her face, exchanged some words with him in Italian and dropped him some notes, i'm pretty sure was way more than he was meant to be getting because the guy had a huge grin on his face before he got into his vehicle and drove off.

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