CHAPTER THIRTY TWO- A spiral of life.

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"About?" I swallowed, not in anyway liking the intensity in the words that just fell off her lips.

Ming sighed deeply, looking around to see if anyone was looking in their direction before lowering her head and whispering one word, one name, that had my brows going up and the extra mile. "Isabella."

"You know... The doctor?" She said.

"What about her?"

" I can't really pinpoint it... But there's something up with her. " She looked like she was in deep thought, there was little wrinkle between her brows as she stared down at her fruit punch and spoke low tones. "While I was blanked... I saw something".

With those words, I sat upright now full-fledged, interested in what she was saying and so was Faye.

The way Ming's fingers shook when she said those words, ever so slightly i would have missed it if I was not trying to observe every bit of her movements and reactions, it made my shoulders go rigid.

"It's all dark and foggy, but I think she did something to me."

" What did you see? " It was like Faye could read my mind as she got the words right out of my tongue.

"I can't remember, it's just really blurry." There was an edge to the way she said it that made me doubt the sincerity in her words.

"Nothing at all? You can't even remember the smallest detail? " I pushed.

" Well... It was dark and..." She caught her tongue right as another word was about to fall out. " I don't know... But that's not the point, the point is that I saw Isabella, I don't even know if it's a dream or it really happened but... She gave me something... I can't exactly explain it but it was like breathing smoke right into my mouth. And she took my blood. "

" Took your blood?" My voice came out a little louder than i had intended and there was alarm in the eyes of my friends as we turned around to see if anyone was looking our way and thankfully there was no one.

"She injected something inside me right after drawing a good amount of my blood. You don't think that's normal? It was just a minor crash on the head i didn't think it was called for any of that."

I and Faye shared secluded glances. It was true we had not told Ming the Truth about what happened to her. Even Faye did not exactly know that Ming had been poisoned, but she was there at the hospital that day with her and she saw exactly what I had seen.

Ming looking dead on the hospital bed. Literally colorless, lifeless, and unnatural. There was nothing natural about the current events that had been taking place. So she knew, she knew it was not just a little bump in the head like Ming thought.

"Ming" I swallowed, refusing to meet the eyes of my best friend's expectant ones "it wasn't just a little bump in the head."

Her brows crease and she dropped her voice even lower. " What do you mean?"

"This isn't a place to be discussing this" I let out a sigh, looking around me to make sure we weren't being aves dropped on. "How long till your shift is over?"

"About two more hours..."

That was a long time to keep waiting, I threw my head back and decided to silently feast on my untouched plate of waffles instead, noticing the way Ming studied my face without having to look up.

"What's the good news?" Faye suddenly spilled making us both look up in confusion. Her attention was more focused on Ming when she said "you said you have great news, what is it?"

Suddenly the scrunched up and bothersome look on her face disappeared as her features quickly contoured into one that held the brightest smile like what I have just witnessed a few minutes ago, her white set of teeth in full display as she looked between me and Faye now biting on her lower lip.

"Go on, tell us" I encouraged.

"I got it!"

"Got what?" Faye gulped down the rest of her drink watching her best friend with pure fascination.

"The job, in the clinic down Pebble Street."

My brows went a few inches higher quite surprised at this new information, "the same one you lied to my mum about me being your apprentice?"

She rolled her small eyes with a hand wave dismissing my claim, "I'm sticking with that by the way, it would be the perfect excuse for a chaperone when I want to prep myself for some man operation."

That reminds me... She's still seeing the cop. Somehow the thought makes my fists clench, but she's my bestie and I can't control her so instead I should be happy for her.

"You don't need to kidnap me on false pretense of an apprentice before I could be your chaperone Ming, you could just simply ask, and I'll even volunteer to spray you with too much daisy perfumes, and make sure you're filled with way more than enough cheeseburgers before you even get to ask...."

" You know what? I take that back." She claimed with a horrified look on her face "you've never been a good one at it, after all, Faye would do just fine."

That caused a small smile to tug on my lips.

"So I was thinking..." Ming started "to celebrate this new achievement, we should hang out at my place tonight, just us three girls with lots of jam doughnuts, grilled salmon, and my stash of Jamie's stolen red wine down the fridge that he absolutely knows nothing about. Oh and let's not forget our favorite reruns of Netflix too. Just like old times."

" I'd kill for that right now." Faye says with a nod " definitely in.".

I felt my heart clench just the tiniest beat at what I'm about to do. Honestly, I missed it, the good times when we would just be ourselves girls, forget the rest of the world and have a good time.

"I can't." I averted my gaze from the both of them but not before catching a glips of Ming's smile fall abruptly.

"Why not?" Faye speaks up.

I twirl my fingers around, still refusing to meet their wondering gazes, and taste the words on my tongue before spitting them out.

"I have a date."

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