CHAPTER FIVE- Queen of hell

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The thumping just got louder, and louder and louder until it became deafening. At first i thought it was coming from the excessive screeching from the air-con, maybe a malfunction or something, or it's probably whatever it is that was playing on the small TV screen hanging on the wall of this room. But it wasn't, it was my heart. The constant thumping and pounding was coming from my heart.

The fear from the realization of the information i had just digested was the cause of my thumping.

"why did you change your mind? "Faye asked. She's not stupid, i know that. She's one of the smartest people i know, which is why i was really mad that she'd thrown away her future and scholarship for all this. "you remember don't you? "she went on.

Goddammit Faye, why do you have to be so sharp?

I picked up the pages again and red it all over again just to be sure. All the connections. This can't be real, it has to be a joke, it just has to.

"tell me everything you know about it " i demanded even though she already had . I just needed to be sure.

"i already have "she looked at me worriedly. Knowing obviously that there was something I wasn't telling her.

The moment she asked me to meet her in her home, we started going back on all the research we could about this ...demon.

I never thought I'd find myself actually saying that, but after everything that has happened today, it actually starting to make sense. It makes more than just sense, it's... It just seems so...

"i know i just need to clarify please " i needed to understand this.

She let out a stressed sigh "what's going on Dian? "

"Just explain Faye "i ignored her question. this thing that had been tormenting my dreams, this thing that had me acting crazy for days, was some sort of... Demon.

"according to the ancient history. It's a demon of destruction, the queen of hell, mother of all demons and the first wife of Adam. She was unable to bare a child of her own and it drove her crazy, made her do unforgivable things and then she made a deal with the devil so she was cast away to Eden (hell) where she became a ruler in the mist of flames. " i sank this in, trying to figure out if it has any connections with what was happening to me. "rumor has it that she leaves Eden once every hundred years when a portal opens and she comes to earth to complete a ritual that requires human sacrifices in other to have a child of her own. " that's when it sank in. All those women that died of missing organs.

My eyes widen as i looked up at Faye who was already staring at me with wide eyes. "this is real Dian, this is not just some fairy tail. This is real!. " she exclaimed. "have you seen the news today, the police have found another dead body at the roof top of gem stone -"oh I've seen it alright. "-same cause of death. "

I was trying to crack my brain for conjoined pieces of this information. I know that this so called demon feeds of female reproductive organs and I've seen those bodies a couple of times, but what i don't understand is what all of that has to do with me, why i keep waking up in the crime scene. This is so confusing.

"we have to tell someone about this Dian, this is... "

"no! " i immediately shut down the idea without even letting her complete her statement because i already know what she's going to say. "we can't tell anyone about this Faye "

"why? -"because i have some kind of connection with this thing and i need to figure out what is going on with me before i can involve any one in it . Not to mention i might end up in jail. "-we know something no one else does and if we don't talk something terrible might happen ."

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