CHAPTER SIX- Possessed

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I sincerely apologize for any future typographical /grammatical errors


I told her. I told her everything, from the dreams I've been having to the point where i wake up beside every dead victim with their blood all over me. I told her about my fears and about how i managed to disguise myself and escape the mall without my face begin caught on camera.

By the time i was done, her eyes looked like they were about to fall off their sockets. She was quiet for a good ten minutes, not uttering a single word, her mouth hanging open and her eyes spinning every five seconds like she couldn't keep her gaze in one place.


"Mi-God I'm so sorry Dian!"

My mouth went dry and my voice caught in my throat. I expected her to blame me, Scream at me, hate me for not telling her about this and maybe even look at me differently. But when i looked into her eyes, all i saw was the total opposite. I saw confusion like i expected, i saw concern, i saw frustration, i saw guilt.

"For what? ".

"I don't know... Everything. For not being there for you, for letting this happen --".

"What? "i grabbed her hand "Faye you have nothing to be sorry about. This isn't your fault, you have nothing to do with it. "

Shaking her head roughly in a negative direction, she frowned. "it is, it's my fault. All of it, if i hadn't let my curiosity get the best out of me, maybe, just maybe you'd have never gotten into that accident, you would have never been on a hospital bed battling for your life and none of this would be happening... ".

"Faye stop speaking nonsense. You have nothing to do with... "i stopped mid sentence the moment i saw the tears shyly leaking down her eyes. I pulled her to me as we squeezed each other in bone crushing hug.

"That's why you have been beating yourself up about this whole thing isn't it? "i finally figured it out. I always wondered why she would put her life on hold because of all this. Her parents weren't happy about it but she didn't care.

She spent two months, doing research on this thing, all her smiles became rear, her jokes completely vanished, her ranting gone. All because she had been feeling guilty, she blamed herself for the accident and now she's blaming herself for my problems .

She didn't say anything, she just hugged me tighter, but i knew it, and it hurt. It hurt so bad knowing she was hurting because of me.

"None of this is your fault. Please don't feel guilty ".


"Are you sure this is going to work? " my voice sounded a little shivery, maybe be it's because i haven't said a word for the past hour or i don't know, maybe it's because i am scared it would work and all my theories would turn out to be right.

"It should " Faye tried to assure me, but that's not what i need right now, i don't need assurance.

"What if this thing is really inside me and can hear every word we are saying right now, what if it knows exactly what we are doing and tries to sabotage this? ".

"Then we would also have the answer we need, we would know that this... Thing is really --" she doesn't have to complete that statement, i already know what she's trying to say but doesn't want to say.

Letting out a shaky breath, i muttered a quiet "okay". If this turns out to be true, then I'm screwed, and if this turns out to not be true, then i don't know what I'm going to do. I'll probably lose my mind.

I'd found my camera under one of my shoe boxes and set it in record on top my wardrobe so it could tape the whole room and i would know exactly what happens over night while i'm sleeping. Damon got me that camera two months ago, the night that started all of this. The old one was already out dated and he knew how badly i wanted a new one, so he got it for me. I never would have thought that the first i get to use it would be to watch myself while i'm unconscious.

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