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I'm getting sick. They just keep going with the same questions over and over. I can't even hear what they are saying anymore.

"Miss Keith! " I can't really make out the voice, my mind is busy elsewhere, like my drowning paranoia on the possibility that I could have something to do with this. "Miss Keith! "

"Dian! " My mothers furious but yet concerned voice snapped me back to reality.

This was something serious and she knows how badly it affects me considering the fact that i just woke up from a life and death experience just two days ago and now I'm begin surrounded by cops because they found my supposed watch on a crime scene, and me being uncooperative and absent minded was not helping at all.

The man was staring at me like i had grown something on my head or my face was covered in tart mud. I can tell he was annoyed with my silence but was trying not to show it.

"I apologize for her behavior sir. But I don't think we have anything else to say, that watch could be just about anyone's. As you can see my daughter just woke up from a coma two days ago and she's not yet used to being interrogated" mom spoke trying to get them to leave as fast as possible noticing my discomfort.

The cop simply nodded and brought out a card from his pocket "you're right but if you find out anything that can help. Don't hesitate to contact me."

"I'm sure I won't need to" she brushed him a smile and led him and the other guy out.

Finally I was able to breathe again. That watch! That was the watch my dad got me on my fourteenth birthday. I know it, it had to be it. I remember carving two thick lines at the back of it in case it ever got lost. I didn't ever want to loose it because that would mean I lost him forever. I remember wearing it every day of my life and I never took it off except I had to take a bath. I remember waking up in that hospital with it strapped around my wrist.

And looking at that same wrist I couldn't help the hot tears that started to fill the brink of my eyes. Just a little blink and they will come running down.

What if I actually... Oh God! That woman lost her gentile organs and i might be...

I swallowed hard and kept on try to convince myself that all of this was just some kind of misunderstanding, it has nothing to do with me, and that creepy woman I kept seeing in my head is just a hallucination probably because my brain hasn't fully recovered and is somehow adding mixed emotions into something else.

"Are you okay?" Mom walked up to me, concern written all over her face.

"I'm fine" I said it anyway trying not to show that I'd been fighting tears.

I mean, I can't just tell her I'm very certain that watch was mine, What would that make me? The police would definitely tag me as their number one suspect even though I have no idea what is really going on.

"Want to talk about it? "

"No... I-I'm just going to take a nap." I felt the heat creep up on me again, I was hot it felt like i was burning from inside out.

Just as I was about find my way back to my room she pulled me into a hug. Quickly I retracted out of reflex and pulled her away.

She was cold, too cold and it disturbed me. I hate cold.

Looking at me with shocked eyes, she adjusted herself and dropped her eyes to the ground. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were not comfortable with it."

"No, no mom! It's not that it's just... You are so -cold, too cold "

Ever since i got back she's been so careful with me. It's like she's walking on eggshells whenever she is around me, trying not to let me crack. It's almost like she didn't know how to act around me some times. like any little mistake could trigger something that could affect me mentally.

She had a crease in between her brows "hold on sweetie, let me get a thermometer "she said and found her way out coming back not even a little long later, placing the small stick under my armpit and waiting for two minutes to hear the beep.

"You know you can tell me anything right?" she suddenly blurted.

"I know "

"You don't have to deal with this alone dear, I'm worried about you "

"I know mom" I forced a smile trying to make it seem genuine "I'm fine okay, I promise" lying to her was never something I liked to do but right now I could not find myself at any other option.

She pulled out the termo and I watched as her face paled.

"Oh my God!" her hands were hanging over her mouth "how is this -"

I pulled it out of her hand staring at the 59° right in my face.

"I think it's broken" I said, not believing what i was looking at.

"It's not Dian, i just got it yesterday."

This is not good! This is terrible!

"We have to see Dr Brewer!" she was panicking.

"I'm really tired mum i need to rest maybe tomorrow."

"But this is serious Dian! What if something happens..."

"Nothing is going to happen to me mum. Please, i really need this "

A heavy sigh escaped her lips. She looked reluctant and kept on chewing at her bottom lip "if anything happens call me okay?"

"Okay" and with that, I found my way up to my room.


I spent a couple hours one the phone with the girls. They found out about the visit with the cops and got worried.

I couldn't tell them about the how i woke up in the middle of the woods and somehow left my watch in the same place that happens to be a crime scene. I couldn't, not until I've figured it out myself.

Why would someone kill a person and cut out their gentiles? That's just sick.

I thought i was going to lose my mind but when i heard Damon's voice, i immediately calmed.

I know that our relationship is not going to be exactly the way it used to be because of his schooling and my own medical issues. But i still love him and I'm waiting to see how far we can work this. At least he's still here in town. That's something to start on.

And a simple 'goodnight' from him was all it took to put that bright smile on my face and drift me off to wonder land, or maybe even abyss, Who knows.

But I'm guessing the latter because even in my dreams I still could not have a peace of mind, judging from the darkness that awaits me.

Please vote and tell me what you think.

Much love!
Jessie ❤️

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