CHAPTER TWENTY- One in flesh

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I had woken up with an excessive amount of pain in every corner of my body. My head hurt the most. My skin was on fire and i was having trouble clearing my vision.

I looked around me as every thing started to become normal again. I was still in Ming's bathroom with a tick duvet wrapped around my smallish frame.


I jumped up quickly and actually took in my environment when the memory of the previous event came up to me.

Other than the thick duvet wrapped around my body, I was still on the same water soaked camisole and tight i had been wearing earlier. The cuffs on my wrists were still hanging there loosely with cuts and little washed blood that proved my struggle in pulling them off the hook.

The tap were Faye had connected my wrist to was busted. I could see the material that was stuffed into the busted hole where the water was supposed to be pouring out from the prevent leakage.

The place was a mess. Aside from the broken tap, the entire floor was wet with water and the tub where i had previously been partially drowned had small drops of blood. My blood. They were not normal.

I crawled to the tub and looked at my slit wrist before looking back into the water. It was dark in color, really dark, almost black and i moved back with a gasp.

Maybe it was not mine.

I picked the other side of the cuff still attached to my wrist with my left hand and slit my palm with the sharp metal head again for clarification with a little wince and just as it was in the water, it dripped out of my hand. Only darker, but not black.

I quivered. It gets worse every day and just like Lilith wanted, there was much more fear in my heart and mind.

I sucked in a breath and stud on my feet with shaky legs to go find my friends but the bathroom door was locked.

"Ming?" I called out nocking lightly on the door but got no response. "Ming!" I tried again increasing the stamping of my fist on the wooden door. "Faye! Someone!"

The place was quiet. It was almost as if no one was home because I could not hear a single sound.

"Faye!" I still got no response.

After some minutes of trying, screaming and banging hard on the door till my knuckles hurt, I gave up and just allowed myself to slip down slowly from the door until i was sitting down helplessly on the wet bathroom ground with my back pressed to the door and my head hung back.

I needed to talk to someone. I needed to make sure my friends were okay. I needed to make sure Ming was okay. It was killing me not knowing what was going on or why I was locked in a bathroom. Knowing that i might have hurt my best friend but yet i was sitting here useless.

I closed my eyes and opened them again but what i saw next had me pulling back and pressing further onto the door, my eyes pulping wide open and my heart running miles per second.

"Hello Dianna."

Her menacing blood red eyes stare into mine as she stud in front of me. Squatting down to my height while playing with her black claw fingers. Her dark dress swept the ground in the most dangerous way as she leaned closer to my face. Lifting up my chin with her deadly fingers.

I was shaking. My whole body was in pain and so was my heart, and my head. But now it was even more intense. I could not bare it. Her eyes had a way of staring this dark sinking feeling inside of me.

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