CHAPTER NINE- unexplainable desires.

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His hair was a golden shade of blonde, his face perfectly sculpted with jaws that could have you staring for much longer than needed, accompanied with a small blonde stubble under his chin. His lips a dark shade of pink and his eyes...God, his eyes! A captivating shade of ocean blue looking at me with a bit of surprise and remorse.

"Are you okay?" He asked dropping the small take away bag on his hand and lending me another. He's voice was deep and obvious to masculinity in an attractive way "i'm sorry, didn't see you there".

The funniest thing about my current situation was the fact that i just kept on sitting there with my ass on the ground staring at him like he was the most beautiful thing i had ever seen before. And not to sound like all those cliché characters you find in sappy romance novels, but believe me when i tell you that this guy was damn right beautiful.

The deep blue of his eyes had compelled me at that moment and i was not even aware of anything around me anymore but the expression on his face. He looked older, a couple years ahead of me, maybe around his mid-twenties, plus the complete suit he was wearing and Rolex on his wrist gave him the business like look.

He looked at me and looked at his hand hanging open before me and retracted them probably assuming i was not going to take them. Stupid me!

"You are not going to get up?"

I blinked and quickly stud up not wanting to embarrass myself any further. My cheeks flushed a deep shade of red. "I'm sorry, i just got lost for a moment there" i brushed it off with a nervous laugh he did not return.

But instead he just stared deeply at me, his eyes taking in every inch of my face. I paused for a moment, liking the intensity of his eyes raking every pour and imperfection of my face. He smiled, a beautiful smile that exposed his complete set of white teeth.

"Are you here to see someone?"

"Yeah, i wanted to see a friend. But i'm actually on my way out now, what about you?"


I nod my head seeming to be interested. All thoughts of running away suddenly went halt and i wanted to talk to him, i wanted to actually engage in a conversation that does not mean embarrassing myself any further.

"Is it okay if i walk with you?" He asked and i scoffed.

"It's one o' clock in the afternoon and the sun is still shinning bright, i think i can handle walking home alone without getting robbed or kidnaped".

He nodded in agreement, the smallest hint of a smile playing on his lips. "I know, you seem like a tough one, but that isn't why i was asking".

"So then mister...." i trailed off.

"Damien Chandler, preferably just Damien". I lifted a brow Damien huh? Interesting.

"Well then Damien, why are you asking?"

"Maybe i just want to spend a few more minutes with you, even if it's just walking."

"Sounds like a plan." I grinned "are you sure you are not one of those guys that pretend to be interested in someone only to fuck them over by the end of the road?"

I did not even realize when we slowly started walking forward, down the noisy side road with cars speeding past us and the wind threatening to destroy my hair.

"Now what makes you think i am interested in you?"

I stopped walking to look him in the eye, taking a few steps a bit too close. "Your eyes. The way you are looking at me".

"How exactly am i looking at you?"

"Like i am some kind of undiscovered piece of art that you want to uncover, piece by piece." My voice dropped a bit lower as i stared up at him a couple feet taller, challenging him to tell me i am wrong.

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