CHAPTER TWO- not just a creature

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Turning around and trying to grasp where I was, I took slow strides checking to see any passage way or exit door but there was just nothing. My legs were heavy and my feet felt like they could give out on me at any moment, It was like I was trapped in some kind of empty plane in my own mind and the darkness was consuming, suffocating and throttling in the most asphyxiating way. 

For a moment i could not breathe, so i held on to my throat and collapsed onto the cold, hard, dark ground wondering what I was doing here, and where exactly is 'here'.

I had been walking for hours and hours none stop, going through the same dead ends only to find myself yet again in the center of darkness each time I tried. I let myself go, sitting right in the middle of that same dead end and hoping the lonely torture would end soon when i heard it.

A voice. Deep and groggily rough but my body seemed to sense quite a familiarity with it as it spoke but then there was the chill that came along with it. A flare in the depths of the dark that had my neck hairs standing and my heart pick up pace.

"Hello Dianna!"

Just one word. One word that had me so self conscious I wrapped my arms around myself while frantically looking around like I was being stalked. 'Quite precisely i might just be...'  Squinting my eyes, I tried to get a better vision of the other person at the edge of this never ending plane.

"Who's there?" Moving my head from side to side warily I asked again, "How do you know my name?" My arms tighten around my arms with the statement that follows that.

"Do you want to know why you're here Dianna?" The voice was getting closer, so close it was like I could feel it breathing down my neck and my heart was beating faster followed by the slow movement of my footsteps as I backed away from something I could not even see.

Stupidly I went ahead and asked "Why am I here?"

"Because I put you here. Trapped in your own mind, your own thoughts while I trample on your dirt." The voice was chilling it sent waves of freight down my spine.

"Why did you do that?" My voice came out shaky, matching my emotions at the moment. The voice sounded a bit feminine this up close and that placed an unshakable feeling down my shoulders "Who are you?"

And just like it could hear my thoughts, It look soundless steps closer, each step dragging forward a large amount of satin lace then it stopped just a few feet away from me.

Before me, a woman. Dressed in a long flee black slit dress with full Dracula sleeves and matching heels. Long black hair sprawled around her shoulders down to her waist. Her Extremely long finger nails polished a deep shade of blood read, digging lightly into her own skin and then she pulled it out revealing a little spill of.... black blood?

My eyes widened and took another step farther away from this.... this... person. My fists squeezing tighter around my arms.

I watched as a huge smile crept on her face as she pulled her fingers into her full plum lips masked with heavy layers of dark red lipstick as she suckled on it.

But the part that scared me the most were her eyes.

Thick and long heavy lashes to accompany that blood red in her irises. It scared me... No it terrified me! I kept on speaking quietly to my self that this was just a bad dream and I'm going to wake up perfectly fine the next morning.... But then her eyes fluttered open, staring directly into my soul with a mischievous gleam that spoke hidden secrets of an eternity of destruction.

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