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There is so much to life that people do not understand. So many things of an outstanding future that we do not have any idea of but instead misguide our opportunities of a life time.

I was not in any category of the negligent but i wasn't given a choice. I was bonded... Again, hooked to a wooden chair that was giving me more back cramps than i already had before and having my life on a thread every single day.

Three months ago, all i cared about was taking care of my mom, getting a good grade in my ASFT, and spending time with the people i love.

Well my life changed in what seems like a day. People in comas do not know what lives and happens at the period of time they are bedridden so no, I'm not going to add those two months.

The place was quiet and dark. I could not see any thing, not a single sound was heard except from the faint squinting of rats from a distance.

But even without being able to see my surroundings, I knew that i was no longer in the hospital where I was before Isabella stuck that needle in my neck... If that was even her real name. The place did not have the strong smell of drugs and antibiotics, but instead a harsh smell of dust that had me coughing out more times than I remember.

How did i even get here? I may be really slim but i have big bones so i weight over fifty eight kg, there is no way she would have been able to carry someone as weighty as i am two floors down a hospital building, and without any one noticing.

I was becoming restless and I needed to find my way out of here before she got back. Three minutes of trying to loosen the ropes that were used to bond my hands and i had not even made a little bit of progress.

It was killing me, and after struggling for a little more to no avail I gave it a rest.

I could still feel the sharp pain by the right side of my neck where the needle had penetrated, but it was not the needle that hurt. I have been subjected to taking a lot of injections in my life, especially when i was younger because of my hate for solid medicine, so i was already used to getting needles plugged into my skin, especially when my best friend is a medical armature expert in training and she loved to use me to practice when there were not any animals near by. ' the irony' . It was whatever it was that she had injected inside of me that made my veins sting.

I winced and pressed my shoulders to my neck as replacement of my bonded hands to put a little pressure on the pain.

I started to think about what Isabella had said to me just before i blacked out. How did she know about me? About the demon? All the things she said about Ming's condition. I was afraid she might have been saying the truth.

Ming's condition did not look normal at all, judging from my possessor, I had a really terrible feeling about the whole thing. I remember when i had unintentionally hit Ming in her bathroom, my fingers where much longer than they naturally are and i scratched her in the region between her neck and shoulder blade in the process. Maybe she only came up with that theory to Jaime because she did not want him worried and asking questions. But why did she care? And must of all, why did she lie that Ming would be okay in two or three days?

Is she even really a doctor? Something smelled stinky fishy about her and the different scenarios in my head about who she might be did not come to an end.

Maybe she was an undercover agent hired by the multi billionaire Ethan Lockwood to find and bring down the person who separated his family.

If that was the case then i was in serious deep shit and this might just be the end for me.

I worried about Ming, praying dearly that she would truly be okay and all these superstitious theories where exactly what they were, ' superstitious'.

And Faye. My heart clenched, she could not even look at me in the eye when we crossed paths. Not to mention she was probably the one who struck me in the head and locked me up in that bathroom, maybe she had thought that i would wake up again and go after them so she wanted to be safe and i completely understand that. I do not really blame her for her actions, it was understandable in the highest sense.

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