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I am pretty sure that this young woman must have been tired of how deeply my eyes had been burning into her face. She looked bored, almost completely expressionless as she kept on twirling with the weird looking pocket knife in her hands.

She paused and looked up at me. Her eyes cold with a deep void that could almost be missed.

"You said she was infected by a demon's venom. If that's the case then how can you save her?"

" Like i said. I am a hunter, or huntress or whatever you would like to call it. I've spent most of my entire life hunting and studying demons..."

" Hunting demons?" My brows creased. By the irritated look on her face, I can tell that she does not appreciate my interruption.

"Yes Dianna, demons." The way she spat out my name... Like she was talking to a child she had been trying to teach the same thing to for hours and still getting no where. But i did not put much thought into it and instead asked the next question that popped on my mind.

"You mean there are other demons out there?"

"Barely. But yes."

I relaxed back on the cold wooden ground and sunk in all the new information.

"And after some years I have been able to understand their toxin" Isabella continued with her explanation before i interfered. "Their shink, the way they operate, their body physical strength, and with some experiments their organs. And during all of that time, I have been able to come up with a cure for some certain damages they condone, such as their claw venom."

" So you are sure that whatever this is can cure my friend?"

She didn't respond for some time, she just sat there with her legs spread wide open, staring at me deeply without an expression on her face.

I jumped to my feet and pulled her by the collar. At this point I was desperate. I did not care what ever it might take, what ever it was that I might have to be succumbed to, whatever the situation might be or the price I would have had to pay. I needed to right my wrongs and pick on my previous mistakes. I needed to save Ming even if it meant loosing myself. And I could not hang on to an unstable thread.

I needed a strong reassurance that whatever this cure she was talking about was one hundred percent effective and would help bring Ming back for good.

"Tell me that this thing is going to work Isabella! Or whatever your name really is! Tell me!" I pulled at the collar of her shirt at which she aggressively reacted to by pushing my hands away from her with so much force, I collapsed on my butt a few feet away from where she was sited.

"This demon we are dealing with is not just any unnatural creature, she's the second person to the throne of abyss. The queen of hell mother of all demons! Surely you don't expect it to be so simple do you?" She lifted a brow in annoyance at me. " With any other low class demon then this would have been a hundred percent effective without any form of negligence or side effects, but Dianna, I cannot guarantee you that this would work to the fullest. I can guarantee that it would slow the death, and cure her for some time, but if her life is taken at the end. This would be on no one else to blame but yourself."

I swallowed harshly as I squeezed the fabric at the tip of my shirt. I needed to save Ming, I would not be able to live with myself if my best friend died and she was right.

Isabella silently stud up from the wooden chair she was sited on and took slow steps towards me until she was standing directly in front of me. looking down on my skinny frame with nothing but a mirrored reflection of a chilling hatful emotion in her eyes a she squatted down to my height on the ground.

Demon HostWhere stories live. Discover now