CHAPTER THIRTY-Detective Munfo.

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My eyes remained stuck staring at his dark brown ones. Fully shocked I could not seem to close my lips that now had a small space between them, hanging inches apart like a gaping fish.

The waves on his natural dark coily hair stayed smoothened in perfect lines on his head. Amusement danced around his eyes as he bit on his lower lip and smoothened the rough little stubble on his chin with his index and thumb fingers, still looking right back at me.

I blinked and averted my gaze to Ming who still wore a sheepish grin on her lips.

"This is the munfo?" I asked. It was meant to be sort of a joke but not at the same time. Like of all munfos out there to choose.... I groan mentally.

Ming's cheeks flushed lightly, probably an effect on the fact that I just gave her out on what she had called him just a few moments ago.

"Munfo?" I heard James chuckle behind Ming. His dark eyes twinkled and his brown skin glowed brightly under the effects of the bright white hospital lights as he pulled himself back and rested his weight on the backrest of the chair he was sited on, making sure to get comfortable as he watched us both.

I caught Ming's eyes trailing down the lines of his biceps that were left exposed by the partly transparent short sleeved white tee-shirt he was wearing and I internally rolled my eyes.

"Yeah" I replied nonchalantly "short for motherfucker". Ming nudged me in the arm but James's grin only widened.

"I didn't think I would be seeing any more of you sooner miss Keith" he smirked. " I have to say though.. we usually meet in such inappropriate circumstances."

My best friends eyebrows lifted a few inches up "you guys know each other?"

It looked like James was about to say something more but I quickly jumped in interrupting what ever it was that was about to come out of his mouth.

"No, not really. Let's just say we might have had a few coincidental bump ins lately."

From the corner of my eyes i could see he's lips curve into a teasing smirk. I mean this was the guy who handed me over his business card thinking i would hit him up for a booty call, when he was supposed to be investigating a murder case. He did not seem like the type to date whatsoever, the whole fuck boy stench was oozing out of him and he didn't even try to hide it.

Ming smiled lightly seeming happy as she smacked her hands together "great so I don't have to go through the whole meet the best friend introduction."

At that moment Jaime's phone blew up ringing loudly around the room, making my nose cringe and ears twitch at the height of the volume before he picked him self up to his feet and without excusing himself, he walked out of the room placing the phone to his ear once he'd accepted it.

" Best friend?" James asked once Jaime was out of the room seeming to be somewhat intrigued.

" Yeah we've been best friends since we were just little kids." Ming replied casually as she sat back down on the mattress and yawned lowly, stretching her hands out in exhaustion as she stared up at the dark skinned hipster like detective sitting across from her. "I'm starving!"

The smirk that was plastered on James's face turned into a sweet smile as he looked down at my best friend.... that by the way -still looked like she just dipped her head right in and out of a dumpster-.

"Right before I forget!" He bent his arms a little under the side of his chair and picked up a white take away nylon bag that he'd kept carefully on the ground and un-raped it, pulling out two packs of tortilla chips, the one with extra cheese topping that tasted like it had been overdosed with excess salt. The exact one Ming loved, "I was going to get you a full breakfast meal, but well... I was hoping I would be able to take you out to eat properly the moment we get out of here."

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