CHAPTER FOUR- part two

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Keeping my head down, I walked out of the mall as normally as I could, with a small shopping bag on my arm stuffed with my blood stained clothes. People had started swarming in not long after and were all to busy to pay attention to me.

Not until I was far away from the building did i allow myself to stop and breathe properly.

Next I knew there were blazing of police sirens and two vehicles drive right past me and i already know where they are headed, but i didn't dare looking back until i got to my house and went in through the back door.

The house was empty when i got home. Mom most have been at work, she's always busy these days and i think it has something to do with my accident. She's been working her ass off to make up for the money she spent on my hospital charges.

A part of me was actually happy she isn't here though. I'll have sometime to pull myself together without going through any series of interrogations.

Getting to my room i quickly took off the clothes, jumping in the shower to relieve this stench off my body making sure to keep the water a little hotter than normal and changing into something of my own. I'd expected much but still i couldn't help the brief moment of worry when I discovered that i had about nine missed calls from mum. It's typical of her, always getting worried over nothing as long as my name was connected to it. She's been trying her best to make sure I'm okay since the incident, so I'm pretty sure she's been seriously worried about where I'd been all night. 

There were also a few texts from Damon, reminding me that we were supposed to hangout today, just the two of us and I completely forgot. Muttering silent curses at myself, I immediately called my mom to let her know I'm alright before she can let her imagination travel to all manner of chaotic scenarios.

"Dian!" was the first thing she said the moment she picked up "oh, thank God! Where have you been? And why haven't you been answering my calls? I thought something terrible happened to you. You can't do that Dian, if you are not going to tell me where you are going then at least let me know when you are out, when you are coming back or not and... "

"Mum, mum slow down." I encourage. She has a habit of talking to fast when her nerves are kicking. I could hear her talking slow breaths from the other end of the line.

"I'm sorry I didn't call or answer your calls, I forgot my phone at home."

"where were you?"

"Faye's, I spent the night at Faye's " I really do hate lying to her, or anyone in general but that seems like all I've been doing lately, It's not like I have a choice.

"I called and she said you weren't with her" I heard the shuffling from the other line stop like her full attention was on me now. "Now why would she lie?"  I couldn't tell if my mother was being suspicious or annoyed, but at the moment I couldn't think of a quick excuse to back up my lies so I jumped right off and avoided the question.

"Hey mum can we talk later? something important came up I've got to go, love you! "

"Wait! What-"

I killed the line before she could say anything else. I know, that was lame and terrible of me but I ran out of lies and as you can tell, I've never been a good liar.

I quickly drop Damien a text asking for a rain check and I'll see him later.

I know for sure that he wouldn't be seeing the text for a while cause he'll probably be in class by now so I don't wait for a response.

As much as I am dying to see she him, I can't, not right now. It almost feels like we aren't a we anymore and I know it's only been three days plus today making it the fourth, but we barely talk, he's always busy with school and I'm having my own confusing problems and it hurts but i kind of knew things wouldn't start off the way we left it from the start .

Right now i have serious things to worry about. So after i left Faye a text to meet me when she's free. I picked up the shopping bag i stole from the mall and went straight to do the one thing I've been meaning to do.

Even though I'm not still sure what this is, I know that, Right now, i need to get rid of the evidence.

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Much love;
Jessie ❤️

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