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Even though the vacancy in this small fitted diner was becoming more and more after brunch serves, the place was still noisy, filled with laughter and clashing of plates cups or glasses but yet still the silence in the tiny space at the back in our little corner booth between my friends was deafening to my ears.

I watched Ming's expression contour into one of confusion and Faye's into one of disappointment.

"You and Damon are getting back together?" My obnoxious friend says with a sigh of relief brushing away disturbing bangs from her face, her Asian eyes sparkling when she looks at me. "Oh thank God! I thought I was going to have to drag your asses back together to work things out. "

Would it be so terrible of me to admit the fact that all this while a bigger part of me had forgotten about Damon? The guy i claimed to be in love with and put in an unconscious position unintentionally but completely left behind and never went back to check on him after that mental breakdown at the hospital.

I swallowed. Yes I am definitely a terrible person, worse, I am the worst.

"It's not Damon" Faye corrects my friend like she can read my mind. She lifts a brow at me "so who's the mystery date?"

I sigh deeply giving the shortest answer I can muster, "someone I might be insanely attracted to."

Ming's brows suddenly matches the height of Faye's, "I don't get it." She brushes back some loose strands of hair " I thought you guys were perfect for each other?"

" Maybe we weren't" I shrugged. "Look guys it's nothing serious okay? It's just a date I mean common!" I looked up at Ming, " you're with James, you don't see me judging.." I think about my words for a few seconds " okay... maybe not so much."

"We aren't judging" said Faye, " just a little too concerned about your sub-consistent dating life. I didn't think trash and pick was your method."

Ming squeeze Faye's hand's giving her a look that said "stop it!". I honestly felt attacked by her words, she was being so quick to judge when they did not even understand in the slightest bit why me and Damon were never going to work.

Sure we might have had the bloom, the sparks everyone dreamed of having for a relationship, maybe the whole ideal of the high school jock boy and little miss popular was indeed a fantasy, but that was it a high school fantasy, maybe it was not meant to be anything more than that to begin with.

It made me wonder if we were ever even still going to work out besides the whole possession and drama. Hindrances could be everywhere and anywhere, I did not want to think too much about it so I just took in a deep breath and smiled lightly at my best friends.

"Raincheck?" My voice came out soft and lightly at my innocent question as I watched them both look at me contemplatively.


"Fine" Faye's grumpy voice came right after Ming's and a shove to her abdomen.

I then sat up straight, adjusting my back up right on my seat as I spat out the major reason for our gathering to begin with. "Are we going to crash that PlayStation now or what?"


I sat on my bed watching my best friend as she flung out all of my clothes making gross faces at each simplistic dress or sweats she accidentally pulled out.

After, I do not know..... Twenty something rounds? of trashing each other.....'okay let me rephrase that',.... of myself and Faye trashing Ming miserably on Mk In the colorful game store beside water brigs at the middle zone area of town, we had huge smiles on our faces, breathing heavily as a result of exhaustion mixed with pumped up adrenaline, laughing out stupidly at ourselves collapsed on the ground.

It was great! Fun, and just what we all needed... although I think Ming might get into trouble for ditching work to go hang out with her girls since girls night was not going to work out any longer.

But what do we know?... that girl is a little shink! I swear a bat of her Barbie lashes can make a human of any species go week. It's like she has magic in her breeze the sweet aura she carried around her could make people grow cotton candies in their stomach and I have a strong feeling Joe already has.

Now I am sitting in my bedroom, cross legged on my bed and I watched my best friend, still puzzled as to why Faye had decided to be my temporary chaperone for tonight before my date arrives to pull me away. Which thereby includes getting me dressed and all fixed up with the perfect make over because according to her, "you cannot go to 'Glems glim' looking like a total troll! Trust me I know you would if I left things into your hands alone".

" It's okay Faye it's just a restaurant."

She turned very slowly to look at me with the most dramatic expression on "excuse me! Did you just say 'just'?" She scoffed loudly, that is like the only ever and might i mention the best place to get classics here in Randall! And this guy is crazy rich from the idea I've got from him judging by all you've said! Trust me you don't want to embarrass yourself."

" Sure, sure do your thing."

I pushed my head back now lying on my back watching her shuffle my wardrobe with all seriousness.

Actually I could have done this my self and still gotten something to make myself stand out in the most attractive way without looking like too much of a push and at the same time one with class and I am pretty sure Faye knows that too. But what is a little Faynelle without the usual spike of drama?

To be honest, I loved seeing her act this way. It was a new release to all the recent intensity we had all been shouldering. This was the sass and the girl i remembered and that made my lips tug just the smallest little bit.

Although what i was worried about was weather she had any side intentions considering she literally just blew up on me a few hours ago when she found out about this....'date'.

It caught me completely off guard when she asked to come home with me, I honestly thought she was not kin on the whole idea of me dating someone else, maybe she was not completely over seeing me and Damon together all the time and she needed a little time to get used to this new change and it was really understandable.

"So what's up?"

"A-ha!" She screamed completely ignoring my question, wearing a mischievous grin on her lips and holding up two of my rare diner dresses in hand. "Gotcha!"

One of which was a closet mix white, spaghetti handed pencil dress that stopped mid thighs with neutral designs around the tin silk fabric. And the other which was a black long backless dress with a huge slit by the left leg covered in silver designs. Both of which looked really good and are probably the only really expensive clothing in my wardrobe.

"So which is it going to be?" She placed a hand on her waist as she looked down at me "I'm a total diva, or maybe you get to fuck me after dinner?"

I lift a brow at her choice of description for the dresses. Lifting myself back up into a sitting position and letting her know with the serious expression on my face that I was not talking about the dresses I sighed again. "What is it?"

She looked bewildered, "well we could have gone with something much sexier, but turns out as it is your wardrobe is very boring" her nose scrunched up sorely, " so one of these would have to do."

"Come on Faye, you know I'm not talking about the clothes." I deadpanned " I thought you didn't like that I'm seeing someone new?"

"I don't." She rolled her eyes sitting beside me and I only lifted my brows, urging her to keep talking. "But I thought, just one look wouldn't kill would it?" She smirked.

" So basically you came here to to stalk my romantic life?"

"Pretty much." She shrugged, the grin never leaving her face.

Just as I was about to open my mouth and call her out for not being so discreet, we both heard the doorbell go off from the living room followed by my mother's angelic voice yelling "I'm getting the door!"

I froze, looking down at my body still covered in a towel from my evening shower and the dress I was supposed to be wearing on Faye's hands. Then I looked back up at my best friend who had the same expression on her face.

Oh shit!

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