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My thoughts were all over the place, i wanted to open my mouth to say something but the words did not seem to want to fall off, and just like Faye could read my mind she quickly said,
"I'll go get it instead." But maybe that was just her way of quenching her curiosity and number one reason for coming here to begin with, but either ways I was somewhat grateful.

Letting out an audible sigh, I quickly looked through the two dresses lying in front of me and picked up the white one, pushed it on and as quickly as I could straighten my hair with a little touch of lip gloss to my dry lips. Not exactly the look i was opting for but it would have to do. I did not want to keep him waiting.

A pair of neon heals later, i was standing in the mirror again, zoning on my look. Even though i have been on numerous dates previously in my life before a part of me still felt a little nervous, maybe this would not turn out as well...

I shook the thought out of my mind, strapped my purse around my shoulder and just as i was about to walk away, the brief sight of something lying at the edge of my dressing table with a pointy edge brought back my attention.

I turned around and headed towards the pointy object with yellow liquid that a certain creep had given to me.

'How did it get here?'

Last i remember I wrapped it tightly in the leather bag and left it inside one of the many empty shoe boxes under my wardrobe. Hoping dearly that Faye had not seen this before leaving, i picked it up and thought twice about packing it back, instead i pushed the needle into my veins and let the chilling liquid leak inside me with a light groan.

This was it! I sucked in a breath and composed myself after trashing the empty syringe where i know it would not be easy to find before walking out.

Stepping into the living room, i could not help the single brow that decided to move extra miles up at the sight in front of me. Faye was sitting there at the arm of the sofa and was saying something to the man i had been waiting for..... 'or maybe that's the other way around'.
Her arms were crossed, head held high and a fierce look in her eyes made me shudder at the thought of what she might be doing this time.

My date on the other hand was the opposite. His blonde hair had been cut a little lower since the last time i saw him, looking so collected in that grey suit with his blue eyes staring intently at Faye as if paying good attention to every word she was saying.

The emotion in his eyes twinkled like one of pure fascination which got me wondering the kind of story Faye had to tell that made them both not notice me make my way into the living room.
"I see you two must be enjoying my absence very much." I said , announcing my presence.
Damien was the first to turn around, a light tug on his lips as his gaze focused on me.

"You're early." I said.

"I heard it works better to charm women."

"I heard cheese doesn't taste good on your tongue."

"You would know that now wouldn't you?" I smirked at his response, 'Yup! this guy knows how to flirt'.

"Well your dis-taste has ruined my plans for a complete makeover rumpledstilskin!" He chuckled at my reference to him.

"Your sense of humor is more beautiful than your eyes." He said with a teasing smile making me lift my brows a few inches higher. But then his facial features softened as he took a few steps closer to where i stud and grabbed for my hands "you don't need it Dianna, you look gorgeous."

That put a satisfied smile on my face. I diverted my gaze to Faye who was just sitting there and silently watching the both of us with narrowed eyes, and just like Damien noticed he bent his lips to my ears and whispered lightly but not so low I'm sure Faye heard it too "I don't think she likes me very much."

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