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By the time I had gotten into the really expensive looking car with two of John's escorts behind me and by what he had said to me earlier, I know there are at least four others in a distance i cannot spot, i sat right next to Ming who had her eyes shut with dried tears on her red cheeks.

I did not know what was going on in her head and I wish I did. Her dad did not follow the same vehicle with us, i think he had some really important stuff that he had to attend to because he left before I even ended my conversation with Damien.

It did not take long before we reached our destination and I was glad to step out of the silence suffocating car. Ming stopped to say a few words to the driver and then pulled out her phone to make a quick call while i just stud in front of her current home, taking in every inch of it.

It was just like every regular apartment building with blue and white paint. I picked up my bag and was about to walk in when I was stopped by one of John's escorts that had driven us both here.

He was buff with big hands that I was almost afraid could mold me and throw me into a basketball net. That and the serious look/ constant frown on his face coupled with the complete black suit he had on.

"Sorry mam, I can't let you go."

"What?" I asked dumbly.

He did not respond but simply gave me the cold look and kept standing there with his arms crossed.

I tried walking past him again but when he stepped forward, the look he gave me had me cowering back in unease.

What is his deal?

Just in time a cute looking guy wearing the same suit and ear piece literally came out from nowhere laughing with an adorable smile on his face. He placed a hand on Mr grumpy's shoulder like he was trying to cool him off.

"Don't scare the girl Chris." He said jokingly and turned to me." Sorry about that, we take boss's orders really seriously."

"You were ordered not to let me in? "

" Yeah" he smiled lightly. what? "your friend is getting clarification if we are to let you go."

I turned to look at Ming who was still talking to someone i am now guessing was her father on the phone in hushed tones. She had sick expression on her face as she spoke and one of her hands that wasn't holding her cell phone was pressed to her forehead like she was having an ache.

"Do you know why?" I asked "why he asked you not to let me in?"

He simply gave me a quizzical look " we don't question the boss's orders."

I nodded and waited till Ming was done with her conversation over the phone then she walked closer to our direction.

"It's all clear. You can leave now" she said to them and walked into the apartment building without sparing me a glance.

I followed behind her, went up the elevator till we got to her floor. She used her spare key to open the door and silently walked in with me trailing behind her.

Jamie was sitting on the living room sofa with his computer open in front of him, wearing nothing but boxers. All the ink on his arms and chest very visible to both our views. He looked up at us and and smiled.

"Hey Dee." His dark Long hair was packed up in a short ponytail on his head, I could spot the lip and nose ring he always had on.

"Hey Jay."

He turned to his cousin. "Where have you been? You weren't answering my calls."

"Out" is all she said before shutting her room door behind her.

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