CHAPTER FIFTEEN- Faith in fabric bondage

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Standing before him all I could wish for was a hole to open up and swallow me. Swallow up all the embarrassment growing in the pit of my abdomen.

He looked just like he did the last time we met. His golden blonde hair neatly brushed to perfection, the attractive stubble underneath his chin, million dollar suit in check and his blue eyes looked brighter than ever, except this time they were not focused on my face, but on the bond on my hands. So much for not wanting to meet in an awkward situation next time!

I faked a light smile, pretending i almost did not recognize him "Damien?"

He looked back up at my face and took a step closer "why do you have a...." he trailed off, analyzing my hands. It was fabric, torn fabric that Mr Lee had just wrapped around my wrists which was why it was much harder to loosen. "that on your hands?"

I looked down at my wrists and scoffed "It's a stupid game i'm playing. Friends you know... they can make you do a lot of crazy stuff."

From the corner of my eyes i could see Ming lift a brow at me. She and her dad had stopped walking when i did and were now looking between me an this blue eyed perfection like they were trying to solve a puzzle. I mean Ming was, her dad on the other hand looked bored out of his mind and started typing some thing on his phone.

He nodded once like he found the nonsense i just said interesting. Mr Lee looked down at his watch impatiently and was about to say something but i interfered.

"One moment." I looked at him with pleading eyes which he did not even think of giving into until i gave Ming those same eyes and she whispered some thing to him, getting him off my back but Damien? His timing is always wrong.

"One moment." Ming's dad warned and before he could do anything else Damien looked up at him and i saw a really huge smile creep up his lips.

"John Lee?" he asked making said man look up.

"Yes, do i know you?" Ming's dad replied with a really calm exterior like he was really used to random people stopping him to ask who he is.

"I believe so" Damien said walking closer to him and offering him a hand to shake "Damien chandler of C and L."

John's eyes lit up in recognition as he accepted Damien's hand and shook him just when i thought he was going to reject it. " I almost didn't recognize you," he smiled. Wait!.... he smiled? John Lee smiled? I double blinked to make sure i was seeing clearly. "It's been what? Four years? You look bigger." He said tapping Damien's shoulder, making Damien chuckle. "I heard about what happened to Kara, how is she?"

"Alive." Damien let out a soft sigh that sounded more like a scoff. "Alive but barely functioning".

A crease formed in not only between my brows but John Lee's too as well.

"What about Ethan?"

Ethan? As in Ethan Lockwood? Damien's dad?

"He's a strong man." Damien simply said with a small smile.

"And Tristan?"

"He'll be okay."

"You know if you ever need help i got your back" John said and Damien simply nods.

"I'm glad we crossed paths though, I'll let dad know you said hi."

"I didn't."

"I'll still let him know you said hi." Damien said with a small smile.

John nodded, shaking his head and moving towards me. He bent down till his lips were directly beside my ear and whispered "don't try anything stupid. I have six guards watching your every movement right now so i suggest you behave." He cut me an eye and snapped his fingers together, someone came out of no where and offered him a pair of scissors and he cut me loose. What did he think i was going to do? I nodded anyway and watched him walk away with Ming by his side leaving me alone with a man i have been craving to see or even hear from for sometime now.

I waited a little while till the rest of them where out of hearing range, a good distance away and then looked at him.

"You know we have funny ways of meeting each other." He said and i scoffed, you can say that again.

"Maybe it's fate." I joked.

He smirked "fate in fabric bondage".

Did he just....

I grunted and face palmed my self "I knew that was a bad idea from the start."

His laugh is addictive, so beautiful and full of life, i want to hear it again.

"You guys know each other?" I asked, referring to John Lee.

"Yeah, we used to partner a few years ago." I nodded sinking in the information.

"Kinda shocked me." I confessed "i didn't think he could smile."

Damien chuckled a little "How do you know him?"

"Daughter's my best friend."



I robbed my hands together, the question just at the tip of my tongue. Despite all the shit that had been going down lately, somewhere at the back of my mind i kept on recalling what he said to me that day. 'I will call you'. They were words of reassurance and i secretly had been waiting for that call but never got it.

"I called" Just like he could read my mind and tell what i was thinking, he said.


"I called, twice. Not reachable."

A small crease formed between my brows. I actually did not even think he remembered, but he did. I did not want anyone calling me so i put my phone on airplane mode, of course that did not apply to him.

"Oh." I looked down at his expensive shoes "I've kind of um... been in a tight spot lately."

"It's fine." He brushed me a light smile " but i'm hoping next time i do, you'll be reachable?"

I think the smile on my face already gave out my answer.

"By the way," i looked around the crowded airport "what are you doing here? Came to pick someone?"

"No, actually i just got back from Rome." What! he was in Rome?! "There was some emergency meeting i got called up for."

"Busy huh?"

"yeah." His phone began ringing out and he pulled it out of his pocket to check the callers ID. "Sorry, i have to take this."

"Sure, um, i have to leave now" i was not oblivious to the bulky guy in a black suit at the distance continuously tapping his leg as if tired of waiting.

"I'm glad we met again green eyed stranger" I cringed at that sentence until i realized i was the one who saved my phone number that way on his. He was grinning at me "even though it was on fabric bondage at first."

"You're never going to let that go are you?"

"Don't think so."

I shook my head at that. And for the first time in a long time, i walked out of that place with a smile on my face. Unaware of what was waiting up ahead for me.

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